• 遗传影响语言能力的发展

    14-07-22 A study of 473 sets of twins followed since birth found that compared to single-born children, 47 percent of 24-month-old identical twins(同卵双胞胎) had language delay compared to 31 percent of non-identical twins. Overall, twins had twice the ra...

  • The plural Form of "Child" “孩子”的复数形式

    14-03-12 Teacher: What is the plural of man, Tom? Tom: Men. Teacher: Good. And the plural of child? Tom: Twins. 老师:汤姆,男人这个词的复数形式是什么? 汤姆:男人们。 老师:答得好。那孩子的复数形式呢? 汤姆:双胞胎。...

  • 百慕大一对双胞胎出生时间相隔8天

    13-12-15 据美国媒体12月10报道,百慕大一对双胞胎的出生时间相隔了8天,并且健康状况良好,被称为奇迹双胞胎。 Bermuda couple Edonna and Ryan Bean's newborn fraternal twins(异卵双生) were delivered eight days apart. Dubbed 'miracle twins,' boys Emyr and Esai, ar...

  • 世界年龄最大双胞胎度过第102个生日

    12-01-07 一对英国双胞胎姐妹日前度过了她们102岁生日,《吉尼斯世界纪录》已经正式将她们列为世界上年龄最大的双胞胎。 The world's oldest twins celebrated their 102nd birthday together on Wednesday. Born on January 4, 1910, Ena Pugh and Lily Millward have spent ea...

  • 罕见连体双胞胎在巴西出生

    11-12-23 Conjoined twins have been born in Brazil with two heads, two functioning brains and two backbones - but a single heart. 一对连体双胞胎在巴西出生,这对双胞胎有两个头、两个功能完全的大脑、两支脊柱,但是只有一个心脏。 Jesus and Emanuel share a heart Th...

  • 英国医生分离两名连头女婴

    11-09-19 Twins who were born joined at the head have been successfully separated by a team of British doctors. 一队英国医生成功将两名连头婴儿分离开来。 The twins do not appear to have suffered neurological side effects as a result of surgery Baby girls Rital...

  • The Twin Boys

    11-08-24 One day, there was a young Mum took her two sons come to visit our garden. The two sons sat in a large trolley(手推车) and by the marine fish tanks. The two boys were about 4 or 5 years old and looked like copies. I asked the young lady: They are...

  • 皮肤老化?生活习惯惹的祸

    10-01-03 Don't blame genes for aging facial skin. A new study of twins suggests you can blame those coarse wrinkles, brown or pink spots, and dilated blood vessels on too much time in the sun, smoking, and being overweight. 皮肤老化?别怪基因。一项针对双胞胎...

  • 孟加拉联体女婴康复出院

    09-12-22 Two Bangladeshi girls, who up until last month were joined at the head, have left hospital. 到上月为止,头部都连在一起的两名孟加拉联体女婴,现已康复出院。 Trishna and Krishna were taken to Australia when they were very young The twins made a much be...

  • Federer's twin girls 100-1 to win Wimbledon 费德勒姐妹温网夺

    09-07-29 Federer and his wife Mirka. World number one Roger Federer's daughters are less than 48 hours old but bookmakers on Friday had already posted odds on the twins winning Wimbledon. World number one Roger Federer's daughters are less than 48 hours old...