• 美警卫队击沉日本“幽灵船”

    12-04-06 The US Coast Guard has used cannon to sink a crewless Japanese ship that drifted to Alaska after the 2011 tsunami. 美国海岸警卫队用大炮击沉了一艘没有船员的日本船只,该船在2011年飓风过后漂流到阿拉斯加。 The coast guard earlier said they would hold of...

  • 菲律宾中部发生6.7级地震 一人死亡

    12-02-06 A 6.7 magnitude earthquake shook the central Philippines, killing at least one and causing panic in nearby cities. 菲律宾中部发生一场6.7级地震,造成至少一人死亡并引起周围城市居民的恐慌。 The quake hit 70 km north of the city of Dumaguete on Negros I...

  • 巴布亚新几内亚发生7.1级地震

    11-12-14 A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake has struck the Pacific state of Papua New Guinea, but no tsunami warnings have been issued. 一场7.1级地震袭击太平洋国家巴布亚新几内亚,所幸没有海啸的迹象。 The quake struck 89km (55 miles) from the second city of...

  • 联合国报告:日本低估了海啸风险

    11-06-01 The UN nuclear energy agency has said Japan underestimated the risk of a tsunami hitting a nuclear power plant. 联合国核能机构称,日本低估了海啸冲击核电站的风险。 However, the response to the nuclear crisis that followed the 11 March quake and tsuna...

  • 日本天皇慰问海啸灾民

    11-04-28 Japan's imperial couple have travelled to tsunami-hit areas on the north-east coast to visit residents in shelters. 日本天皇夫妇到东北部被海啸袭击的地区慰问生活在避难所中的灾民。 Emperor Akihito talked to residents in a gymnasium in a quake-devastat...

  • 日本宣布建立赈灾基金

    11-04-22 The Japanese government has announced a 4 trillion yen ($48.9bn; 29.6bn) emergency budget for disaster relief, after March's earthquake and tsunami. 继三月地震和海啸发生后,日本政府宣布拨款4万亿日元作为紧急救灾预算。 The budget still needs approval...

  • 日本警方进入无人区搜寻遇难者

    11-04-15 Japanese police have begun searching for victims of the 11 March earthquake and tsunami within a 10km zone around the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant. 日本警方开始在福岛核电站方圆10公里的范围内搜寻311地震、海啸的遇难者。 Up to 1,000 bodies are thoug...

  • 日本降低经济增长目标

    11-04-13 The Japanese government has downgraded its assessment of the economy in the wake of the devastation caused by last month's earthquake and tsunami. 受上月地震和海啸的影响,日本政府降低了对今年经济形势的评估。 It said key areas of the economy, includi...

  • 东京欲申办2020年奥运会

    11-04-11 Tokyo intends to bid for the 2020 Olympics. 东京计划申办2020年奥运会。 City governor Shintaro Ishihara made the declaration following his re-election for a fourth term. Although they [the 2020 Games] are nine years from now, we can start raising our...

  • 菅直人承诺不会抛弃海啸生还者

    11-04-11 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has told survivors of last month's devastating tsunami that his government will never abandon them. 日本首相菅直人向上月毁灭性海啸的幸存者承诺,日本政府绝不会抛弃他们。 Naoto Kan tried to reassure locals that the fi...