• in/with hindsight 事后看来

    22-11-30 名词 hindsight 的意思是 事后的认识,它常与介词 in 和 with 搭配使用,即 in hindsight 和 with hindsight,意思是 事后看来,回过头想想。 例句 In hindsight, we should have taken the train we would have arrived at our destination much earlier. 事后看来,...

  • 反意疑问句

    22-10-19 和汉语一样,英语里也有自问自答的表达方式,这就是反意疑问句。学会这种表达方式能提高讲话力度和说服力。 1. You will pay me the money back, _________? a) wont you b) will you c) do you d) wouldnt you 2. Shes a very good driver, _________? a) is she b) i...

  • 麦田里的守望者 Chapter 8

    22-09-13 It was too late to call up for a cab or anything, so I walked the whole way to the station. It wasnt too far, but it was cold as hell, and the snow made it hard for walking, and my Gladstones kept banging hell out of my legs. I sort of enjoyed the a...

  • 《头脑特工队》第15章

    22-09-02 Chapter 15 Sadness stared out the window and came up with an idea. How about we wake her up? Sadness, thats ridiculous, Joy said. How could we possibly She followed Sadnesss gaze and saw what she was staring at: Dream Productions. How about we wake...

  • 《头脑特工队》第14章

    22-09-02 Chapter 14 Bing Bong, we have to get to that station, Joy said. She couldnt believe they had lost another island. The train whistled in the distance, which made her feel even more anxious. Sure thing, Bing Bong said. This way, just past Graham Crack...

  • sleeper 卧铺车

    22-08-16 Sleeper作名词可指卧铺车。此外,sleeper train和sleeper car也可指那种带有卧铺的列车。Overnight作形容词指通宵的,因此overnight sleeper便是通宵卧铺车,也就是那种晚上睡一夜,第二天早上便到达目的地的列车。 [口语天天练之古都西安] 俗话说不到长城非好汉, 不...

  • gravy train 赚大钱的清闲差事、美差、肥缺

    22-06-28 Gravy train: A job that pays a lot of money for very little effort 赚大钱的清闲差事、美差、肥缺 例: Ian earns a fortune for three hours work a day. Hes really on the gravy train! 伊恩每天只用工作三小时,薪水却很高,他真是得了一份美差!...

  • 32个英式日常表达 3

    22-05-20 17、Bangs 英国人吐槽:用bangs表示刘海???Hes growing bangs??? 英式表达:Hes growing a fringe. 18、Take-out 英国人吐槽:英国人完全不会说takeout(外卖),你要是在这儿的话,一定要入乡随俗哈! 英式表达:takeaway! 19、ridiculosity 英国人吐槽:Ridiculosity是...

  • rush off 匆匆离开,赶紧去

    22-05-07 rush off 匆匆离开,赶紧去 Before some of you rush off on holiday, I do have one rather important announcement. 在某些同事赶着去度假之前,我有个非常重要的消息要宣布。 Notes: rush off表示冲出,急于做某事。另有短语rush off sbs feet表示忙得不可开交。例...

  • shake a leg 赶紧走

    22-04-26 shake a leg 不管是N多腿儿的皮皮虾,还是两条腿儿的人类,你都可以用抖腿这个词来催他行动起来~ Shake a leg , the train wont wait . 赶紧的,火车不会等人。...