• Deepak Chopra成功学之感受当下 中

    22-04-15 Academia is great because it brings us knowledge, but unless you self-reflect, unless you ask yourself, Who am I? 学术是伟大的,因为它带给我们知识,但是你要自我反省,问你自己,我是谁? What do I want? What is my purpose? What am I grateful for? 我想...

  • lazybone 懒骨头

    22-03-01 这个英语表达的构造和我们中文里的表达很像,中文里说是懒骨头,那英文里也可以直接讲lazybone。请看例句: Kid: Dad, dont wake me up until noon. 爸爸,中午前不要叫醒我。 Dad: You lazybone. Its already dinner time. 你这个懒骨头,现在已经是晚餐时间了。...

  • take your time 慢慢来,不着急

    22-02-23 短语 take your time 的意思是 需要多少时间就花多少时间去做某件事情,用来告诉他人 做某件事情时不用急,慢慢来。 例句 Take your time and drive safely theres no rush to get here. 慢慢来,安全驾驶,不用急着赶过来。 I told her that she could take her time...

  • 面对领导

    22-02-22 跟领导可能会有各种场景的话题,但其中有两个是一定会遇到的,其一就是汇报工作,想约一个单独的面谈,这时可以用: Can we arrange a one-to-one, please? 另外一个就是请假,你想请事假,可以用: Can I book some time off? 我可以预订一些休息时间吗? annual leav...

  • mark my words 记住我的话

    22-02-22 1. mark my words 就是告诉别人某事将来肯定会发生时的用语,意思是(你)记住我的话! Hell cause trouble - you mark my words! 他会惹麻烦的你记住我的话! 2. slip away 主要有这两个意思 1秘密地离开 Its a good time for you to slip away. 正是你溜之大吉的好时...

  • 我很忙 下

    22-02-21 10.pressed for time 没时间,很忙 If youre pressed for time, dont forget to relax and take a couple minutes to breathe. 如果你很忙,也别忘了放松,花几分钟来呼吸一下新鲜空气。 11.I am on the trot. 我非常忙!我十分忙碌! trot小跑,on the trot一个接一个...

  • on the lips of 在…中流传

    22-02-18 The news are on the lips of us. 像不像在说这些消息挂在我们嘴巴上?一天到晚把话题挂在嘴边,就是消息在不停流传啦。 例句: The news were on the lips of the villagers at that time. 那时候村民中流传着这条消息。 After the annual meeting, her surprise prom...

  • laugh your head off 大笑不止,狂笑不已

    22-02-17 笑得头都要掉了,所以是大笑不止,狂笑不已的意思。 to laugh very loudly and for a long time The audience laughed its head off all the way through. 观众从头笑到尾。...

  • GOAT=Greatest of All Time 史上最伟大;史上最佳

    22-02-08 GOAT=Greatest of All Time 史上最伟大;史上最佳 请看例句: China is a great nation, possibly the greatest of all time. 中国或许是有史以来最伟大的国家。...

  • What's the good word? 近来好吗?

    22-02-07 Whats the good word?并不是有什么好话! Whats the good word?等同于How are you,是一种更加地道的美式口语! 举个例子: Havent seen you for a long time. Whats the good word? 好久不见,你近来好吗?...