• the sands of time 时间

    21-08-30 短语 the sands of time 是表达时间 time 的另一个说法。这个说法更有诗意,常被用在谈论时间流逝的语境中。 例句 I am always ready to score the winning goal, said the footballer, dismissing those who said the sands of time are running out on his long care...

  • in the hole 负债累累

    21-08-20 当某人说自己 in the hole, 意思就是他遇到经济困难,负债累累。至于具体欠了多少,只需在这个短语前加上数字就行。 例句 Im very worried. I have just lost my job and Im $1,000 in the hole. Economists are scratching their heads. The global recession has lef...

  • big cheese 核心领导人物

    21-08-19 在一个企业里,核心领导人物往往被称为 big cheese。这个表达的字面意思是大奶酪,一个非常口语化的称呼,所以在使用时要格外注意场合,最好别直接叫领导 big cheese。 例句 If you want to get anything done here, you need to speak to the big cheese. Since he be...

  • 表白只会用love吗?

    21-08-16 01 be fond of 它的英文释义是: to feel affection for sb, especially sb you have known for a long time爱慕某人,尤其是认识已久的某人。指喜爱(尤指认识已久的人) 这算是属于日久生情吧。 例: Ive always been very fond of my deskmate since we met in the...

  • to have a whale of a time 玩的非常痛快

    21-08-09 在口语表达中,to have a whale of a time 的意思是玩的非常痛快,度过了一段很开心的时光。 例句 I spent the summer holidays in Mexico and had a whale of a time! Mary is a real party girl. She goes out every night and has a whale of a time! 请注意 我们可...

  • yyds 永远滴神

    21-08-09 yyds 最近很火的一个当属yyds,可以说是网络俚语的扛把子,以迅雷不及掩耳之势占据了网络。 yyds就是永远滴神的拼音缩写,我们经常能在弹幕里看到,英文中也有表意相近的缩略词:GOAT。 GOAT是the greatest of all time的缩写,也可以理解成永远的神。 例句: For my m...

  • get a kick out of 因做某事给某人带来兴奋、快乐感

    21-08-05 短语 get a kick out of 可以用来形容因做某事给某人带来兴奋、快乐感。 例句 Im not frightened of abseiling - I actually get a real kick out of it! She got such a kick from the dance class that shes thinking of taking it up full time. He didnt think he...

  • 良好的教养会体现在生活的方方面面

    21-08-04 良好的教养会体现在生活的方方面面。 对服务人员心存感谢;进出大门时,为身后的人扶一下门;不在公共场合高声喧哗;懂得控制情绪,不骂脏话;咳嗽、打喷嚏时捂住嘴 生活工作中注意这些细节,会赢得人们的尊重,也会让你遇见更好的自己。 - 1 - Be on time. Always kee...

  • to be a party animal 聚会狂

    21-08-02 Party animal 指那些热衷于参加各种派对和聚会的人。这些聚会通常包括跳舞, 喝酒和社交。 例句 Im not surprised John never makes it to morning lectures. Hes such a party animal, hes out dancing to the early hours most nights. I really enjoyed my time at u...

  • up to your eyeballs (in something) 忙得不可开交

    21-07-29 如果你说自己是 up to your eyeballs (in something) 那就是在说你正在为一项具体的工作而忙得不可开交,一点闲暇时间都没有。 例句 Id love to go the cinema but Im up to my eyeballs in marking. Ive got another ten papers to get through before I can even thi...