• 我没时间≠I have no time

    22-02-07 说到没时间,很多人会说I have no time,但have no time的意思是,没有多少活着的时间了,如果外国人问你忙不忙,你回复这句,那多半他们会吓得立刻帮你打急救电话去了! 没空,赶时间这样说: ①run out of time 「没时间」 Were running out of time. 咱们快没时间啦...

  • be economical 细水长流

    22-01-26 细水长流,汉语成语,字面意思是water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust,比喻节约使用财物,精打细算。也形容一点一滴不间断地做某件事,长远打算。可以翻译为stint (on) in order to ensure longer use,be economical,do something graduall...

  • screwed up.搞砸了。

    22-01-25 screwed up.搞砸了。 例句: Make sure you dont screw up this time in your relationship. 确保这次你没有搞砸你们的关系。 I am so sorry I screwed up. 对不起,我把事情搞砸了。...

  • hard time 艰难的日子

    22-01-25 hard time形容艰难的日子,give sb a hard time就是使(某人)日子不好过。 My mother gave me a really hard time (= was angry with me) about staying out late. 我母亲对我在外面呆到很晚感到很生气。...

  • make good time 一路顺利,提前抵达

    22-01-22 短语 make good time 的意思是 很快完成一段旅程,到达目的地所花的时间比预期的要少。 例句 We made good time and arrived in time to see the sunset. 我们路上很顺利,及时赶到目的地欣赏日落。 Were making good time, so shall we stop at the cafe for a coffee...

  • work along two lines at the same time 双管齐下

    22-01-22 双管齐下,汉语成语,原指手握两支笔,同时作画(paint a picture with a brush in each hand at the same time),后比喻为达到某种目的,同时从两方面进行。可以翻译为work along two lines at the same time。 例句: 美国宇航局做了两手准备,两套策略双管齐下。 N...

  • handle with undue haste 操之过急

    22-01-22 操之过急,汉语成语,意思是处理事情、解决问题过于急躁。可以翻译为handle with undue haste,be too rush或act rashly等。 例句: 千万不能因为时间紧迫就操之过急。 Dont act hastily due to the pressing time. 这项计划失败是因为操之过急。 The reason why this...

  • Twilight 暮光之城:暮色 Chapter 21 Phone Call

    22-01-21 I could feel it was too early again when I woke, and I knew I was gettingthe schedule of my days and nights slowly reversed. I lay in my bed andlistened to the quiet voices of Alice and Jasper in the other room. Thatthey were loud enough for me to h...

  • a whale of a time 玩得很开心

    22-01-07 a whale of a time 如果玩得很开心,就可以说a whale of a time。 The theme park was so much fun. I had a whale of a time! 主题公园非常有趣。我玩得很开心! year in, year out 如果我们想说年复一年,就可以用year in, year out这个表达,即连续多年每年都会发生...

  • big time 非常,很

    22-01-07 big time 真正的意思是非常,很多,等于very much或者a lot。 You owe me big time because I helped you with your school project. 你欠我很多,因为我帮你完成了学校的项目。 hit the big time的意思是大获成功。 After John hit the big time, he became very rich...