• Mansfield Park - Chapter 33

    21-05-07 The conference was neither so short nor so conclusive as the lady had designed. The gentleman was not so easily satisfied. He had all the disposition to persevere that Sir Thomas could wish him. He had vanity, which strongly inclined him in the firs...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 13

    21-05-06 The Honourable John Yates, this new friend, had not much to recommend him beyond habits of fashion and expense, and being the younger son of a lord with a tolerable independence; and Sir Thomas would probably have thought his introduction at Mansfie...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 11

    21-05-06 The day at Sotherton, with all its imperfections, afforded the Miss Bertrams much more agreeable feelings than were derived from the letters from Antigua, which soon afterwards reached Mansfield. It was much pleasanter to think of Henry Crawford tha...

  • ask someone out 请人出来约会

    21-04-29 搭配 ask someone out 的意思并不是 把某人叫出去,而是 邀请某人和自己出去约会,比如,请对方去看电影、吃饭等。注意,这个搭配的结构是 ask someone out,而不能说成 ask out someone。 例句 Ben wasnt sure if he should ask Charlotte out. He really liked her,...

  • give the silent treatment 采取不理睬的态度

    21-04-28 表达 give the silent treatment 沉默地对待 指 因生气而故意不理睬或不进行任何形式的沟通的做法。比如,和人吵架之后因为赌气而 采取冷战的态度;因意见分歧而 选择沉默;或故意对人不理不睬。在使用时,人们多用 give someone the silent treatment 来描述具体对谁...

  • Fall for someone 迷恋上一个人

    21-04-27 口语搭配 fall for something 的意思是 上当受骗,而 fall for someone 指的则是 爱上、迷恋上一个人,这个说法不仅表示喜欢上一个人,还指 开始对这个人产生了爱意。 例句 They met at a New Years Eve party and fell for each other immediately. 他们在一个新年聚...

  • firm up 敲定、落实

    21-04-26 通常情况下,形容词 firm 指事物的质地和属性是 坚硬的、稳固的。在谈论计划时,动词搭配 firm up 的意思是 给已有想法或安排添加详细信息,从而落实、敲定这一计划。 比如,如果有一群好友打算在六月份一起去旅行,那么他们需要在出行前商定一系列行程,这可能包括敲...

  • bulk up 身体变壮实;事物添分量

    21-04-22 在谈论和健身有关的话题时,动词短语 bulk up 的意思是 通过大量的锻炼使身材变得更壮实、块头变得更大。但这里所谓的 块头变大 并不是指 长胖,而是特指 通过锻炼增加肌肉的体积。除此之外,bulk up 也可以用来泛指 给添加分量、加大。 例句 John must have spent a l...

  • to be my time of the month/on my monthly 来月经,来例假

    21-04-15 搭配 to be my time of the month 和 to be on my monthly 是女性描述 来月经,来例假 时常用的相对委婉的说法。这两个说法既可以用在与朋友间的交谈中,也可以用在想委婉地告诉他人自己来月经了 的对话中。 Time of the month 和 monthly 源自大多数女性 每月一次 的...

  • 2021年比往年短吗?

    21-04-13 科学家们发现,目前地球的自转速度比过去50年来的任何时候都要快。专家们认为,2021年将会是几十年来最短的一年。不过,我们是不是应该在这一年结束前争分夺秒,抓紧时间? Time waits for no man or so the saying goes. We cant stop time and we cant control it, a...