• 德国波茨坦违章停车无需罚款

    12-02-11 German authorities are giving parking violators in one city an unexpected break by issuing tickets without fines. 德国波茨坦的违章停车者们近日收到意外惊喜,他们收到违章罚单却无需缴纳罚款。 The tickets, put on carelessly parked cars in Potsdam, inclu...

  • 美国一张巨奖彩票 引发三方官司

    12-01-29 A winning $1 million lottery ticket picked out of a gas station trash can has become the subject of a three-way legal battle in Arkansas. 美国阿肯色州的一张百万美元巨奖彩票近日引发三方法律争夺战,这张彩票是一名女子在一家加油站的垃圾桶捡到的。 Sharon...

  • 伦敦奥运会花样游泳门票多售近万张

    12-01-08 Around 200 people who thought their only experience of the London 2012 Olympic Games would be minor heats of synchronised swimming have received an unexpected upgrade to the mens 100m final following an embarrassing ticketing mistake. 约200人本以为2...

  • 《欲望都市电影版2》六

    11-11-16 精彩对白 Charlotte: Hello? Beydoun: Miss Jones, please. Charlotte: Samantha, it's the front desk . Samantha: This is Samantha Jones. Beydoun: Miss Jones,this is Beydoun from front desk. I will need the credit card number for the room charges . Saman...

  • 《十日拍拖手册》五

    11-04-07 影片对白: Ben: Of all the women Spears and Green could have thrown at me, this one is amazing. Hanging with her for ten days is going to be no problem. Tony: Right, so, it's only nine days longer than you've ever spent with any other chick, huh? Be...

  • 2012年奥运会门票开售

    11-03-16 Tickets for the London 2012 Olympics have gone on sale, 500 days ahead of the event. 2012年伦敦奥运会门票已经开售,距离开幕式还有500天时间。 Some 6.6 million tickets are available from the London 2012 website over a six-week period and organisers sa...

  • hired queuer 代排族

    11-02-16 People, usually migrants from rural areas and jobless citizens, are hired to queue up for different types of tickets in large cities in return for a pittance, they are called hired queuers . 代排族,指在大城市里被雇来替别人排队获取各类票证,然后从中...

  • 2011美国职业橄榄球赛即将开始

    11-02-08 2011年美国职业橄榄球超级碗已进入到了最后的倒计时,匹兹堡钢人队将与绿湾包装工队上演巅峰对决,争夺第45届超级碗冠军。 The week of hype and glitz building up to the Super Bowl is attracting plenty of celebrities to Texas and many are offering the public...

  • 美国推出“瑜伽交通罚单”

    10-09-30 美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市的交通管理部门近期开出了一系列特别设计的瑜伽罚单,在告知驾驶人员违规行为的同时教他们一些简单的瑜伽动作,以消减他们见到罚单时的怒火。 The tickets have an image of a yoga position on the front of the envelope, with instructions on...

  • 国际足联呼吁南非民众踊跃购买门票

    10-04-12 Football's world governing body has launched a new drive to encourage local fans to buy the 500,000 unsold tickets for this summer's World Cup. 世界足球赛事主管机构号召南非当地足球粉丝踊跃购买今夏世界杯尚未售出的50多万张门票。 Organisers are keen to...