• 长时间看电视可能引起糖尿病、心血管病

    11-06-15 In an analysis of data from several studies, watching television for 2-3 hours per day or more was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病) and all-cause death, according to a study in...

  • Showmance 荧幕恋情

    11-05-24 Showmance means the romance actors engage in for the run of a show. Once the run is over so is the romance. 荧幕恋情(showmance)是演员在戏剧表演中上演的恋情。表演结束时,恋情也随之终结。 The term originated in the theater and moved to movies and sc...

  • 英国电视观众有望收看“个性化广告”

    11-03-26 Television viewers face watching personalised advertisements under a new plan that will target people depending on their consumer habits, it has emerged. 今后,英国电视观众有望收看个性化广告。按照一项最新计划,广告投放将按照观众的消费习惯进行定制。...

  • 英国年轻人热捧新电视和社交媒体

    11-03-12 Young Britons have taken to a new television and social media trend which could have far-reaching consequences for the worlds of broadcasting and advertising, according to a new study. 最新调查显示,英国年轻人热捧新电视和社交媒体,这将对广播电视业和...

  • 日本将播出3D版电视剧

    10-11-21 日本富士电视网络集团宣布将于明年1月起在该集团旗下一个卫星电视频道播出首部3D版电视连续剧《东京管控》(Tokyo Control)。 Japan's first 3-D television series -- an airport drama called Tokyo Control -- will air from January on a satellite television ch...

  • 美国20年最伟大的荧屏形象 荷马·辛普森居榜首

    10-06-05 Beer-swilling, doughnut-lover Homer Simpson has been named the greatest character created for television and film in the past 20 years. 电视剧《辛普森一家》中爱喝啤酒、爱吃甜甜圈的荷马辛普森日前被评为美国20年来最伟大的荧屏形象。 The cover of Enterta...

  • 调查:英国人看电视时间增多

    10-05-08 Britons have been watching almost 2-1/2 hours more television a week this year as cash-strapped people stay at home more -- and because there's more to watch, figures showed on Tuesday. 本周二公布的数据显示,今年英国人每周看电视的时间增加了约两个半...

  • What is digital TV?

    09-10-28 Digital television is based on the idea of recording information in a digital, rather than an analogue format(模拟形式). The idea is to reduce the information to a series of electronic signals, which can be written in a code of 0's and 1's. This b...

  • 电视电影 made-for-television movie

    09-08-30 第61届美国电视艾美奖主办方8月12日宣布,9月20日进行的第61届艾美奖颁奖典礼所有奖项均现场直播,以平息之前预录部分奖项导致部分人士的不满。 请看新华社的报道: A total of 28 Primetime Emmy Awards, especially those involvingmade-for-television movies and m...

  • File-sharers' TV tastes revealed 文件分享者的电视节目品味显

    09-08-28 Millions of television viewers are now using illegal file-sharing services to access free and unauthorised copies of programmes, research has revealed. 调查显示,数百万电视观众正在使用非法文件共享服务来得到免费的、未经认可的电视节目。 Top Gear is po...