• television rights 电视转播权

    16-02-27 Ti'ao Dongli, a Beijing-based company specializing in sports events broadcast announced on Wednesday the purchase of broadcasting rights for the Chinese Super League, for 8 billion yuan ($1.26 billion) over the next five years. The television rights...

  • FOX电视台或将拍摄《越狱》迷你剧

    15-06-12 If latest reports turn out to be true, 'Prison Break' stars Dominic Purcell and Wentworth Miller may feature in a remake of the popular television series by FOX. 若最新消息属实,《越狱》男星多米尼克珀塞尔和温特沃斯米勒有望回归由FOX电视台重拍的《越狱...

  • 埃及关停四座电视台

    13-09-04 An Egyptian court has ordered the closure of four television channels that have been accused of sympathising with the Muslim Brotherhood. 埃及一座法院下令关闭四个电视频道,这些频道被指与穆斯林兄弟会有瓜葛。 They include the Brotherhood's own station...

  • 电视节目词汇

    13-05-13 电视节目 television program /television show 电视选秀 selective TV trials 有线电视 cable television 卫星电视 satellite television 旁白 voiceover 直播 live 录制 recorded 现场记者采访 field reporter interview 新闻节目主持人 news anchor/anchorperson 季...

  • 青少年时过多看电视会导致反社会行为

    13-02-19 Children and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to manifest antisocial and criminal behaviour when they become adults, according to a new University of Otago, New Zealand, study published online in the journal Pediatrics(小儿...

  • teletrash 脑残节目

    12-12-28 Teletrash refers to television programs which target the least intelligent and the least sophisticated viewers. Such programs always center attention on crude or degrading behavior intended to titillate viewers, participants, or both. Teletrash指面...

  • chatterboxing 看电视发微博

    12-12-18 Chatterboxing means watching a program on television, while talking to others about that program online, normally via a social media platform. Chatterboxing指一边收看某个电视节目,一般通过社交媒体平台跟别人讨论该节目的行为,在中文语境下,可译为看电...

  • 《好汉两个半》遭主演琼斯吐槽

    12-12-02 大热美剧《好汉两个半》中的主演之一安格斯琼斯日前在一个网络短片中表示:如果你还在看《好汉两个半》,请不要再看了。我是该剧演员之一,我也不想再演了。他还表示,该剧所表现的低俗的幽默与自己所受的圣经教导有悖。 An actor in Two and a Half Men, one of Ameri...

  • cutback on TV entertainment 限娱令

    12-08-28 China orders cutback on TV entertainment : China will limit the number of entertainment programmes allowed to air on television, from match-making game shows to dance broadcasts. 中国颁布限娱令:中国近日颁布限娱令,对包括婚恋交友及舞林大赛在内的电视...

  • To Buy a Video 买录像机

    11-06-19 Amos asked his mother whether they could have a video. Im afraid we cant afford one, sighed his mother. But on the following day in came Amos, staggering beneath the weight of a brand-new video. How on earth did you pay for that? gasped his mother....