• 看电视是否会刺激食欲呢?

    21-10-20 为什么看电视时总想吃东西?尤其是看美食节目时,总是感觉越看越饿。难道看电视真的会刺激食欲吗? Sitting down in front of the television with a meal or snack after a long day is a very popular recreational pastime. And thanks to streaming services that...

  • 1987年之前冰岛周四没有电视转播

    19-12-02 Thursdays in Iceland were traditionally a day to connect with family and friends. This may sound strange, but until 1987, there was no TV broadcast in Iceland on a Thursday. 冰岛的星期四传统上来说是与家人和朋友联络感情的日子。听起来可能有点奇怪,但1...

  • 华为将发布一款智能电视

    19-07-18 Chinese tech giant Huawei announced on Monday that it will release a new smart television early next month. 中国科技巨头华为周一宣布,将于下月发布一款智能电视。 The smart screen is not a traditional TV, but the future of TV, said Zhao Ming, the pres...

  • 英国独立电视台将推出剧情黑化的《傲慢与偏见》

    17-08-13 In years gone by, it would have been a recipe for television gold: a classic romance complete with corsets, crossed-wires and a happy ending. 在过去的数年里,一段经典爱情故事配上紧身衣、交错的人物关系和完满的结局本是电视剧的黄金配方。 That tried-and...

  • Shouting head 高呼者

    17-03-31 Shouting head is a loud and aggressive person, particularly one who is a television pundit or commentator. 高呼者指的是说话大声且咄咄逼人的人,特别是电视评论员或解说员。 This phrase is the loudmouth version of a talking head, a person, such as a new...