• 《神偷奶爸3》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. Sorry, my bad. 抱歉,我的错。 2. Im flooded with so many memories. 无数回忆涌上心头。 3. Dont take that tone with me! 不许你用那种口气和我说话! 4. Sweet talker. 嘴巴真甜。 5. Armed to the teeth! 全副武装! 6. Getting my sea legs, matie! 还在适应新...

  • 《唐顿庄园》英式俚语:情郎

    22-08-25 1. 情郎 Mrs Hughes和旧相好见面别人看见。 What did I tell you? Shes found her Romeo. 我说什么来着?她找着情郎了。 Mrs Hughes has got a fancy man. 休斯太太是有情郎了。 2. 满地找牙 Thomas明明不喜欢Daisy,还和William抢着约她出去,Bates看不过去了。 If yo...

  • a kick in the teeth 极度的失望,沉重的打击,重大的挫折

    22-06-10 1. Chances are pretty good (that)... 很有可能......,后面表述原因 例句: Alone on Instagram? Chances are pretty good your pictures suck. 你的Instagram没人气?很可能是因为你的照片太挫了。 Got no boyfriend? Chances are pretty good youre ugly. 木有男友...

  • armed to the teeth 全副武装

    21-12-06 表达 armed to the teeth 连牙齿都戴上盔甲了的实际意思是为了做某件事情做好了充分、全面的准备,也就是我们中文里说的全副武装。 例句 The bank robbers were armed to the teeth with guns, knives and grenades. Before assembling the flatpack furniture, he arm...