• 囫囵吞枣

    15-08-07 In the past, someone said: The pear is good for the teeth, but bad for the spleen; the date is good for the spleen, but bad for the teeth. A young man heard this, thought it over for a long time and said: Then, when I eat a pear, I'll keep it in my...

  • 剑齿虎的犬齿需要多年时间才能长出

    15-07-06 New research shows that the fearsome teeth of the saber-toothed cat Smilodon fatalis fully emerged at a later age than those of modern big cats, but grew at a rate about double that of their living relatives. The findings, published today in the jou...

  • 三角恐龙牙齿的复杂性

    15-06-08 When it comes to the three-horned dinosaur called the Triceratops, science is showing the ancient creatures might have been a little more complex than we thought. In fact, their teeth were far more intricate than any reptile or mammal living today....

  • 口腔疾病常用表达

    14-12-04 He has some problems with his teeth. 他牙齿有问题。 The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. 他咬东西时,牙齿就痛。 His gums are red and swollen. 他的牙床红肿。 His tongue is red and sore all over. 他的舌头到处红和痛。 He has pain in his teeth...

  • 唇齿相连

    14-08-26 During the Spring and Autumn Period (707 - 476 B.C.), Duke Xian of the State of Jin Wanted to expand his position of strength and sphere of influence(势力范围) . Therefore he would like to send his troops to destroy the State of Guo on the pretest...

  • Colgate kiss 牙膏之吻

    14-05-21 Colgate kiss is a kiss after one of the participants has just brushed their teeth. 牙膏之吻是指其中一方刚刷完牙就进行的接吻。 Example: He kissed me last night, right after he brushed his teeth. It tasted horrible. Minty eh? That's a colgate kiss for...

  • 鲨鱼皮的奥秘

    14-05-15 Scientists have used a 3D-printed model of shark skin to show how tooth-like scales help the predators to cruise efficiently. 科学家们运用3D打印模型解释了 鲨鱼皮上的 牙状鳞片如何提高鲨鱼的巡游速度。 The printed replica included tough denticles embed...

  • 新医疗制度下 英国民众看牙医难

    14-04-20 Under new system, dentists must spend longer assessing each patient. 在新医疗制度下,牙医必须花更长时间为每个患者诊断。 In a bid to reduce waiting times, patients could see therapists, who have studied for three years, instead of dentists, who train...

  • 一口好牙或有助提高运动成绩

    14-04-09 Dentists say elite athletes could stand a better chance of winning gold medals if they look after their teeth. 牙医称,优秀的运动员如果能好好对待自己的牙齿,那么他们获金牌的机会会更大。 The Oral Health and Performance in Sport conference in London h...

  • 人类进化:牙齿变小 大脑变大

    14-04-06 Andalusian researchers, led by the University of Granada, have discovered a curious characteristic of the members of the human lineage, classed as the genus Homo: they are the only primates where, throughout their 2.5-million year history, the size...