• gnash one's teeth 咬牙切齿

    21-09-01 咬牙切齿,汉语成语,意思是形容极端仇视或痛恨,也形容把某种情绪或感觉竭力抑制...

  • 刷牙后不漱口更有益牙齿健康

    21-07-13 刷牙后漱口本来是许多人的常规操作,然而,牙医指出,不将满口泡沫冲洗干净更有益牙齿健康。如果用清水或漱口水冲洗掉泡沫,那么牙膏的防蛀作用就会大打折扣。正确做法是,将多余牙膏和泡沫吐掉即可。 After you finish brushing your teeth, swishing around some wat...

  • grit one's teeth 咬紧牙关

    21-07-06 英语表达grit ones teeth除了指一个人由于生气而咬牙切齿,还可以指人们在碰到困难或麻烦时,咬紧牙关,依然下定决心接受困难的态度。 例句 I gritted my teeth and finished eighth in the 10000 meter run. It was my personal best. 我咬紧牙关跑完了1万米,最后拿...

  • sink one's teeth into something 全身心投入

    21-05-25 我们用表达 sink ones teeth into something(用力地啃咬某物) 来表示 全身心地投入或全神贯注于一项活动。它也可以被用来描述某人积极的工作热情。这个表达也可以用作 get ones teeth into something,意思不变。 例句 My son seemed really bored so I gave him a v...

  • like pulling teeth 非常困难

    21-05-16 拔牙 pulling teeth 的感觉不好受吧?在英语中,人们常用短语 like pulling teeth(像拔牙一样) 形容 某件事情很辛苦、很难做。 例句 Trying to get my students to speak in the lesson is like pulling teeth. 让我的学生们在课上发言简直太难了。 I keep phoning t...

  • my teeth are chattering 牙齿打战

    21-04-12 Someones teeth are chattering 这个句型指某人的上下牙因为受凉、受惊或恐惧而不自主地、快速不停地 打战、咯咯作响。注意:用这个句型的进行时态来描述此类情景,句子听起来会更自然。在进行时态中,动词 chatter 相应地变为 chattering,强调牙齿打战的动作会持续一...

  • bleachorexia 牙齿美白癖

    20-09-26 For an increasing number of women, whitening their teeth has become an integral part of their beauty routine - as normal as colouring their hair or waxing their legs. In America, sales of tooth whitening products have risen 300% since 1996, and the...

  • 肯尼亚发现史前巨狮遗骸

    19-04-19 A giant lion with enormous fangs that roamed the Kenyan savannah more than 20 million years ago was one of the largest ever meat-eating mammals, researchers said Thursday. 美国的古生物学家周四表示,一种长有超大尖牙、游荡在2000万年前肯尼亚大草原的巨...

  • 荷兰学生用牙齿创作首饰

    17-01-03 Feel free to adorn yourself with yourself, says Lucie Majerus, a graduate student at the Design Academy Eindhoven. 你可以用自身的东西装饰自己。艾恩德霍芬设计学院的毕业生露西马洁鲁说。 For that is exactly what Majerus does with the jewellery she crea...

  • 人类牙齿再生技术向前迈进一步

    16-02-22 Good news for soda lovers: Scientists appear to be one step closer to being able to regenerate teeth in humans. A study in Developmental Biology explains how sharks and other marine life are able to regrow teeth continuously throughout their lives....