• 《怪兽大学》第12章

    23-01-18 Mike stared into the crowd, hoping someone anyone might want to join Oozma Kappa. Finally, the Greek Council president looked at Mike and said, Yeah, sorry, doesnt look good. We have to move on. Your team doesnt qualify. Suddenly, a voice rang out,...

  • break the news to someone 把坏消息告诉某人

    22-11-28 表达 break the news to someone 的意思是 向某人透露对其不利、使其感到悲伤或带来负面影响的信息。 例句 I need to break the news to the team that the department will be closing permanently. 我需要向团队公布该部门即将永久关闭的消息。 She broke the news t...

  • 英国传统运动:足球

    22-11-02 许多世界性的体育运动都发源于英国,职业足球就是其中的一项。英国人既热衷于看足球比赛,也非常喜欢谈论足球。因此,英语中逐渐衍生出很多和这项运动有关的日常表达和搭配。 1. There is an expression which is commonly used between players of the same team to w...

  • 源于“拳击”运动的英语表达

    22-11-02 拳击是一项古老的运动,人们认为它起源于古希腊。英国人在古代拳击的基础上制定了很多新的规则,现代拳击运动便在这里兴起,之后逐渐受到世界各地人们的喜爱。英语中有很多从该运动的规则中衍生出的表达,比如,成语blow-by-blow 一拳接一拳表示详实的,而on the ropes...

  • 我们应该参与梦幻运动吗

    22-10-18 梦幻体育指你在虚拟世界管理一个体育团队,和来自世界各地的人一起带队打比赛。即使你不是一个体育迷,与同事或朋友一起玩梦幻体育也有很多好处。 Would you be good at managing a top-level sports team? Do you have the tactics and know-how to be the next Jurge...

  • 《头脑特工队》第22章

    22-09-06 Chapter 22 Rileys parents were worried sick as they racked their brains trying to figure out where she might be. Her teacher hasnt even seen Riley all day, said Mom. I cant believe this, Dad said. What was she wearing last? Do you even remember what...

  • 演讲口语金句-do

    22-08-02 1. Were extremely proud of the research our R D team has done. 我们为研发小组所取得的成果感到非常骄傲。 2. They have been doing some excellent work on the prototype. 他们为原型的研发做出了杰出贡献。 3. We recently did a survey and the results were a...

  • wipe the smile off 让某人笑不出来

    22-06-22 Wipe the smile off/from someones face 指的是让某人笑不出来,尤其是那些自以为很聪明而惹人厌的人: 例句: I know the other team cheated, they were off side all day, I would love to wipe the smile from their faces but will have to wait until the next t...

  • 拜登总统要求商务部取消部分对华关税

    22-06-10 美国商务部长吉娜雷蒙多6月5日在接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访时表示,拜登总统要求他的团队考虑取消部分对华关税,以抑制当前居高不下的通胀。 US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said on Sunday that President Joe Biden has asked his team to look at the...

  • take something offline 私下再谈

    22-05-20 职场中,当上级在会议等场合中使用短语 take something offline 时,是在告诉某人 不要再谈论一件事情,会后私下再说。这个短语经常与 lets 搭配,用来表示命令或请求,即 Lets take it offline.(让我们私下里谈这件事情)。 例句 I understand that this is a really...