• 墨西哥潜水团队发现“世界最长”水下洞穴

    21-04-07 墨西哥的潜水员们在当地发现了世界上最长的水下洞穴,这个洞穴长约216英里(347公里)。名为大玛雅地下水层项目(The Gran Acuifero Maya project)的工作人员称,这一发现将帮助我们更加深入地了解有关玛雅文明的历史。 The group of divers spent months exploring a...

  • 复旦大学研制出可用于编织的发光纤维

    21-03-12 复旦大学科研团队成功将显示器件的制备与织物编织过程相融合,实现了大面积柔性显示织物和智能集成系统。相关成果近日在线发表于《自然》杂志。 According to Peng Huisheng, leader of the team and a professor from Fudans macromolecular science department, it d...

  • 长毛象死而复生?

    21-02-27 A team of international scientists has published the complete genome of the woolly mammoth - a creature which became extinct thousands of years ago. The study, published in the Journal Current Biology, will probably cheer up a team of Harvard Univer...

  • 你是一名具有团队精神的人吗?

    21-02-27 你和同事们相处融洽、合作愉快吗?企业为了营造公司良好的氛围,打造气势高昂的团队,积极地让高管人员参加各种鲜活而有趣的营地培训。 We hear a lot about team building these days. Team-building gurus are hired by some corporations to lecture us on how to w...

  • TBC 有待确认

    21-01-31 首字母缩略词 TBC 是搭配 to be confirmed 的缩写。这个词组的意思是 某事尚未决定或宣布,因此需等待确认。当人们在需要宣布某事即将发生,但还不能宣布细节的时候,就会用 TBC 来标注有待确认的细节。 例句 We are planning training for your team (date TBC). 我们...

  • 科学家研发透明木材

    20-10-12 Scientists have designed transparent wood that could replace conventional glass in windows. 科学家研发出了可以替代传统窗玻璃的透明木材。 The innovation was developed using wood from the balsa tree, which is native to South and Central America, and c...

  • Build bridges with someone 搭建友谊的桥梁

    20-09-03 表达 build bridges with someone 用来描述尝试与某人建立关系,搭建友谊的桥梁。它往往用于人们相互猜疑、缺乏信任的情况下,通过建立友谊,增加沟通,从而改善关系。 例句 As a new manager, my team were suspicious of me, but I worked hard to build bridges wit...

  • meet one's Waterloo 一败涂地

    20-08-25 一败涂地,汉语成语,意思是彻底失败,形容失败到不可收拾的地步,可以翻译为suffer a big [final/crushing] defeat; fall to the ground,或用英文俗语meet ones Waterloo表示,意思是to experience a final and resounding defeat.。 例句: 他的改革一败涂地。 His...

  • 三名女子登顶珠峰

    19-05-24 A mountaineering team of Chinese women have successfully scaled the worlds highest peak -- Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest -- on Wednesday. 一个中国女子登山队周三成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。 The three Chinese women are Ma Liyamu, from Northwes...

  • 上港董事长陈戌源将担任中国足协主席

    19-05-24 A mountaineering team of Chinese women have successfully scaled the worlds highest peak -- Mount Qomolangma, also known as Mount Everest -- on Wednesday. 一个中国女子登山队周三成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。 The three Chinese women are Ma Liyamu, from Northwes...