• 奥巴马演讲 做正确的事来应对失业并减税3

    10-12-13 I have no doubt that everyone will find something in this compromise that they dont like. In fact, there are things in here that I dont like -- namely the extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and the wealthiest estates. But these t...

  • 乔·拜登演讲 Tax Cuts & Unemployment Insurance

    10-12-06 Remarks of Vice President Joe Biden As Prepared for Delivery Weekly Address December 4, 2010 Hi, this is Joe Biden. Im filling in for President Obama this weekend because hes on his way back from Afghanistan, where he was spending some time with the...

  • 威尼斯游客将缴纳“进城税”

    10-10-23 意大利政府正在制定相关计划,打算在机...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我相信美国4

    10-09-12 Thats why were trying to make it easier for workers to save for retirement and fighting the efforts of some in the other party to privatize Social Security -- because as long as Im President, no one is going to take the retirement savings of a gener...

  • 俄财政部长鼓励民众多吸烟、多喝酒

    10-09-05 俄罗斯财政部长近期发表另类言论,鼓励民众多吸烟、多喝酒,为政府增加税收,从而改善社会服务质量。他表示,吸烟和喝酒的人们其实是在为国家做贡献,人们每吸一盒香烟就意味着为解决国家面临的社会问题贡献了一份力量。 Smoke and drink more, Russia's finance minis...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济8

    10-08-23 Q Hi, Mr. President. I was actually recently laid off of a position working at our local community college, helping dislocated workers get back and get retrained. But the position was funded on workforce investment dollars and the funding ended. As...

  • 奥巴马演讲 放行小企业信贷议案

    10-08-23 THE PRESIDENT: All right. Hello, everybody. I just sat down here at Grand Central Bakery with the Secretary of Commerce and the former governor of this great state, Gary Locke; the wonderful senior senator from the great state of Washington, Patty M...

  • 奥巴马演讲 签署紧急法案缓解教师失业

    10-08-23 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. One of the biggest challenges of this recession has been its impact on state and local communities. With so many Americans unemployed or struggling to get by, states have been forced to balance their budgets(...

  • 奥巴马演讲 签署不当支付消除与回收法案1

    10-07-26 THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Thank you, thank you. Everybody please have a seat. Welcome to the White House. I am pleased that you could all join us today as I sign this bill -- the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act - which,...

  • 英国拟征大学毕业税以代替学费

    10-07-25 Business Secretary Vince Cable is to propose a graduate tax linked to post-university earnings, replacing the current system of tuition fees, as part of major reforms to higher education. 英国商务大臣文思凯博日前提议按照英国大学生毕业后的收入水平对...