21-04-22 表达 push through the pain 多用在谈论健身的语境中,意思是 克服在高强度训练时感受到的辛苦,换就话说就是 挺过苦痛,完成锻炼。 Push through the pain 挺过痛苦 也可以用来谈论其它对身体素质要求很高的体力活动。 例句 Having completed 90% of the marathon, th...
21-04-20 4月16日,国家主席习近平在北京同法国总统马克龙、德国总理默克尔举行中法德领导人视频峰会。三国领导人就合作应对气候变化、中欧关系、抗疫合作以及重大国际和地区问题深入交换意见。 President Xi Jinping attended a video summit with French President Emmanuel M...
20-10-31 top、summit 和 peak 在作名词的时候,都可以指一座山的 顶端、顶点;或者是 人或事物最成功、最重要的巅峰时期。 我们先来听三个例句。在这些例句中,名词 top、summit 和 peak 的意思都是 山顶。 Examples Ive climbed to the top of the mountain! Ive climbed to t...
20-09-18 今年的国家网络安全宣传周9月14日拉开帷幕,将重点关注个人信息保护。宣传周期间将举办峰会、论坛以及网络安全展会等一系列活动。 This years Cybersecurity Week, a nationwide event, kicked off on Sept 14 with emphasis on personal information protection. A nu...
20-02-10 African heads of state gather Sunday at the headquarters of the African Union for a summit meeting due to focus on how the body can play a more prominent role in resolving conflicts proliferating across the continent. 非洲联盟国家的首脑周日聚集在非...
19-05-17 Sherpa climber Kami Rita scaled Mt. Qomolangma on Wednesday for a 23rd time, breaking his own record for the most successful ascents of the worlds highest peak. 夏尔巴登山者卡米里塔周三第23次登上珠穆朗玛峰,打破了他自己的记录,成为登顶珠峰次数最多的...
19-05-17 South African Saray Khumalo has become the first black African woman to reach the top of Mt. Qomolangma, according to local media reports. 南非萨瑞库马洛成为登上第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的非洲黑人女性。 Mt. Qomolangma, also known as Mt. Everest. Khumalo,...
19-04-02 China will hold the second summit on digital development from May 6 to 8 in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian Province, according to a State Council Information Office press conference held Tuesday. 国务院新闻办公室周二举行新闻发布会,中国将于5月6日至8日在...
19-02-27 U.S. President Donald Trump arrived at the Noi Bai International Airport of Hanoi Tuesday evening for the second summit with Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). 美国总统特朗普周二夜间抵达内拜国际机场,与朝鲜最...
19-02-11 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday sent a congratulatory message on the holding of the 32nd African Union (AU) summit in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. 中国国家主席习近平周日向第32届非洲联盟峰会发送贺电,此次峰会在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝...