• 美德不会签署不监视协议

    13-11-11 The United States is working to improve intelligence cooperation with Germany but a sweeping no-spy agreement between the two countries is unlikely, a senior Obama administration official said on Tuesday. 一名奥巴马政府高官11月5日称,美国正努力改善...

  • 斯诺登父亲:儿子背叛政府却未背叛美国人民

    13-07-05 Former U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden might voluntarily return to the United States if given assurances of his constitutional rights, his father said in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder. 据路透社最新报道,斯诺登的父亲近日在给美国...

  • 一对俄罗斯间谍夫妇在德国被判入狱

    13-07-03 A married couple have been sent to jail in Germany after being found guilty of spying for Russia for some 20 years. 一对已婚夫妇在德国被判入狱,原因是他们为俄罗斯从事间谍活动达20年。 The two spies' features were concealed at the court\s request The...

  • 沙特逮捕10余名嫌疑间谍

    13-05-22 Saudi Arabia has arrested 10 more suspects in what it says is a spy ring linked to Iran, state media report. 沙特逮捕了10多位嫌疑犯,沙特政府称他们是一个与伊朗有联系的间谍组织。 Those detained include eight Saudis, a Turk, and a Lebanese citizen. Ei...

  • spy drones 无人侦查机

    12-10-03 Iran plans to display several US and Israeli spy drones it has taken possession of in the near future, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported Wednesday. 伊朗半官方的梅尔通讯社周三报道称,伊朗计划于近期展览截获的几架美国和以色列的无人侦查机。 文...

  • cyber spy 网络间谍

    12-01-09 American cyber-security experts failed to provide sufficient evidence when accusing Chinese cyber spies of trying to break into computers belonging to China specialists and defense contractors in the United States, a Chinese cyber expert told Xinhua...

  • 西班牙俄罗斯陷入间谍纷争

    10-12-29 It has emerged that two Russian diplomats were expelled from Spain in November on suspicion of spying. 俄罗斯大使因涉嫌从事间谍活动在11月而遭西班牙政府驱逐。 Russia responded by expelling two Spanish diplomats last week, a Spanish foreign ministry s...

  • 俄美女间谍登上《Maxim》杂志封面

    10-10-23 Russian spy Anna Chapman posed in the Russian version of Maxim magazine in the most provocative photographs yet to appear of the secret agent who was deported from the United States in July. 俄罗斯美女间谍安娜查普曼日前为男性时尚杂志《Maxim》(俄罗...

  • 俄女间谍被剥夺英国国籍

    10-07-14 Anna Chapman, one of the Russian spies deported from the United States, has been deprived of her British citizenship, the BBC understands. BBC获悉,一位被美国驱逐出境的俄罗斯间谍,安娜查普曼,已被剥夺其英国国籍。 Russian spy Anna Chapman was married...

  • 柬埔寨以间谍罪逮捕一名泰国男子

    09-12-09 An air traffic controller in Cambodia has been jailed for seven years for spying on Thai ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra during an official visit last month. 一位空中交通管制员因上月在柬埔寨的一次官方访问中监视泰国前总理他信西那瓦而遭七年监禁。 Siwarak has...