• 《摩纳哥王妃》精彩词句

    23-01-31 Cubby Broccoli just made a spy movie with some Scottish fellow hes raving about. 艾伯特布罗克里刚跟一个他极力称赞的苏格兰人做了一个间谍片。 People dont just speak their minds. 人们不直白地说出自己的想法。 Yes, I told Wasserman Id leave Universal if...

  • try to deceive everybody 瞒天过海

    21-01-27 瞒天过海 ,汉语成语,字面意思是瞒住上天,偷渡大海(cross the sea under camouflage)。比喻用谎言和伪装向别人隐瞒自己的真实意图,在背地里偷偷地行动。可以翻译为to practise deception; try to deceive everybody。 例句: 为了获取那份机密情报,那个间谍瞒天...

  • 《罗曼蒂克消亡史》12月16日上映

    16-12-15 A decade after co-starring in the Oscar-nominated blockbuster The Banquet, Chinese A-list actress Zhang Ziyi and veteran actor Ge You have reunited in an upcoming espionage thriller, The Wasted Times. 中国一线女演员章子怡与资深演员葛优将联手出演间谍...