• high-speed train trip 高铁游记

    15-09-24 In association with Xinhuanet, the China Railway Corporation has launched a high-speed train travelogue program for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, which are peak travel periods, to promote its new high-speed train trip campaign....

  • 乌龟装“车轮腿” 爬行速度快一倍

    15-05-08 A 90-year-old tortoise is going twice its normal speed after being fitted with a set of wheels. 一只90岁的乌龟装上车轮腿后,爬行速度达到了原来的两倍。 The animal, called Mrs T, was facing a grim future after a rat chewed off her two front legs while...

  • 《极品飞车2》将由中美联合制作

    15-04-09 A sequel to last year's blockbuster film, Need for Speed is in the works, with the same Chinese partners that helped Paramount make Transformers: Age of Extinction. 去年的卖座大片《极品飞车》续集正在制作中,合作方是帮助制作派拉蒙《变形金刚4:绝境重...

  • Ever catch all the fish? 你把所有的鱼都抓到了吗

    14-06-24 A man was speeding down the highway, feeling secure in a gaggle(一群) of cars all traveling at the same speed. However, as they passed a speed trap, he got nailed with an infrared speed detector and was pulled over. The officer handed him the cita...

  • Calculations: A Love Poem

    14-03-25 Calculations: A Love Poem Gary Fincke The billionth digit of pi is 9, The last month without a full moon, February, 1865 -- This morning I am making a list Of the last lines of parables(比喻,预言) About the work of numbers, about Calculations, ma...

  • 冬奥会比赛项目相关词汇

    14-02-14 skating 滑冰 figure skating 花样滑冰 individual men 花样滑冰男子单人滑 pairs 花样滑冰双人滑 ice dancing 花样滑冰冰舞 speed skating 速度滑冰 men team pursuit 速度滑冰男子团体追逐 women 500m speed skating 速度滑冰女子500米 short track speed skating 短...

  • Excuse 借口

    14-01-23 A New Zealand man caught driving at more than twice the legal speed limit claimed he needed to step on the gas in order to blow-dry his car. Roger Daniel, 37, offered the novel excuse after he was nabbed traveling at over 120 kilometers per hour in...

  • 爱因斯坦最终速度论面临新挑战

    13-07-30 Albert Einstein's assertion(断言,声明) that there's an ultimate speed limit -- the speed of light -- has withstood countless tests over the past 100 years, but that didn't stop University of California, Berkeley, postdoc Michael Hohensee and grad...

  • 西班牙发生列车脱轨事故 77人死亡

    13-07-25 A train has derailed in north-western Spain, killing at least 77 of its 218 passengers and injuring more than 100, officials in the Galicia region say. 一列火车在西班牙西北部地区脱轨,致使77人死亡、100多人受伤。 At least 77 people have been killed a...

  • The Little Folks' Presents

    13-04-25 A tailor and a goldsmith were travelling together, and one evening when the sun had sunk behind the mountains, they heard the sound of distant music, which became more and more distinct. It sounded strange, but so pleasant that they forgot all their...