• offbeat 隔路

    22-02-17 On Feb 12, speed skater Gao Tingyu of Team China set a new Olympic record of 34.32 seconds when he won the mens 500-meter final at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games held at the National Speed Skating Oval in Beijing. 2月12日,在北京国家速滑馆举行的2022...

  • 为什么速滑运动员要佩戴眼镜

    22-02-14 在观看精彩的速滑比赛时,你可能会注意到一个小细节,那就是运动员几乎个个佩戴眼镜。你知道这是为什么吗? The reasons skiers and snowboarders don goggles or glasses might seem a little obvious, especially if youve ever hit the slopes yourself. Sunlight r...

  • 速度滑冰与短道速滑

    22-02-10 Speed skating is the most extensive event in skating sports which also enjoys the longest history. Mens and womens speed skating were debuted on the Winter Olympic programme respectively in 1924 and 1960. 速度滑冰是滑冰运动中历史最为悠久,开展最为广...

  • 正宗的英语叠词 上

    22-02-08 01 blah blah 用于代表无聊乏味的讲话 Oh blah blah blah - Ive heard it all before! 嗯,哇啦哇啦说了一大堆都是我以前听过的! 02 drip-drip 雨水声,一点点 形容坏事缓慢发生的过程 the drip-drip of bad news 一点点发布的坏消息。 a steady drip-drip from the b...

  • speed demon 雷厉风行,风驰电掣

    22-01-22 搭配 speed demon(速度魔鬼) 实际用来比喻 工作、办事速度很快,行事敏捷的人或物,有 雷厉风行,风驰电挚 的意思,也可以指 高速驾车的人。 例句 The barista is such a speed demon that he can make a perfect cappuccino in half the time of other people. 这位...

  • more haste, less speed 欲速则不达

    22-01-22 More haste, less speed 是一句谚语,意思是 事情做得太快、太仓促,容易犯错,最终可能反而会花费更长的时间,与汉语里的 欲速则不达、拔苗助长 意思相近。 例句 I didnt knead the dough enough before baking it. Now the bread is too dense. More haste, less spe...

  • up to speed 了解事情发展的最新情况

    21-08-19 短语 up to speed 意思是了解事情发展的最新情况, 它也可以指一个人能够胜任某事。 例句 Is Fran up to speed with the project yet? If not, can you please tell her whats been going on since the last meeting? Brian wasnt very good at using the software to b...

  • accelerate the speed, go faster 快马加鞭

    21-02-20 快马加鞭,汉语成语,意思是跑得很快的马再加上一鞭子,使马跑得更快(whip the flying horse to an even swifter speed)。比喻快上加快,加速前进。可以翻译为accelerate the speed,go faster。 例句: 要赶超世界先进水平,我们还得快马加鞭。 In order to catch u...

  • 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解

    21-02-08 研究人员一直无法理解小巧的蝴蝶是如何用它们巨大但低效的翅膀飞行的。现在,一项新的研究表明,蝴蝶进化出了一种有效的合拢和拍打翅膀的方式来产生推力。 The fluttering flight patterns of butterflies have long inspired poets, but baffled scientists. The deli...

  • 新研究重新探索斑马条纹背后的奥秘

    21-02-08 很长一段时间以来,科学家们一直试图弄明白斑马的身上为什么有条纹,以及这种独特的黑白图案到底是如何帮助它们抵御潜在的掠食者的袭击。早期的博物学家就此提出了 运动眩晕 理论,但科学家们发现,动物运动时的保护机制可能另有原因。 Its something thats puzzled bi...