• 用单词like表喜好

    22-10-19 1. If something feels comfortable, like your home, its... a) homey b) homely c) homelike 2. What part of speech is like in this sentence? What does Ginger like? a) noun b) verb c) preposition 3. When do you use like as a preposition? a) When asking...

  • hesitate in speech 吞吞吐吐

    22-06-24 吞吞吐吐,汉语成语,意思是想说但又不痛痛快快地说,形容说话有顾虑。可以翻译为hesitate in speech (speaking),prevaricate。 例句: 她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。 She was a little coy about how much her dress cost. 别吞吞吐吐的,有话快说吧。 Sto...

  • 12个常用的政治术语 下

    22-05-26 7. filibuster (为拖延或阻止新法律的通过而)发表冗长的演说 美剧《白宫风云》中有一集讲到,白宫正准备庆祝一个法案的通过,但没想到投票开始前,一个来自明尼苏达的参议员在发言时,连续几个小时说个不停,使投票无法进行。这种利用程序阻止议案通过的行为就是fili...

  • Rashmika保持微笑的魔力 上

    22-04-15 Hello. How are you? All good? Congratulations to all the winners. Super, super proud. 大家好,一切都还好吗?恭喜所有的获胜者,真的超级为他们感到自豪。 Im nobody to tell this. But thank you so much for all your hard work. And Im so glad to be here. T...

  • at sixes and sevens 杂乱无章

    22-03-03 杂乱无章,汉语成语,意思是乱七八糟,没有条理。可以翻译为disorganized,chaotic或 in a mess/muddle等,也可以用英文习语at sixes and sevens表示。 例句: 他的讲话杂乱无章,毫无条理。 He made a disorganized and rambling speech. 他们刚搬进新房子时,一切都...

  • long-drawn-out 冗长拖沓

    22-02-23 合成形容词 long-drawn-out 的意思是 过程或事件耗时过久,冗长的,也就是 拖拖拉拉,拖泥带水,常暗示此事让人感到沮丧和无聊。 例句 It was such a long-drawn-out film that I fell asleep. Nothing seemed to happen and I was so bored. 这部电影拖拖拉拉,我都睡...

  • let off steam 释放

    22-01-04 英语短语 let off steam 意思是释放情感,特别表示把心里的话都一股脑地说出来。 例句 I shouldnt shout at my husband but sometimes I need to let off steam. Ruth spent the whole afternoon complaining about her boss. She needed to let off some steam. We of...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 15

    21-10-23 1 The period of the Cold War began when _ came forth in March 1947. A NATO B the Eisenhower Doctrine C the Truman Doctrine D Marshall Plan 2 In his inaugural speech, _ said that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. A Woodrow Wilson B Frank...

  • 《The King's Speech》国王的演讲

    21-06-18 The Kings Speech is a 2010 British historical drama film directed by Tom Hooper and written by David Seidler. Colin Firth plays King George VI who, to cope with a stammer, sees Lionel Logue, an Australian speech therapist played by Geoffrey Rush. Th...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 20

    21-01-24 NEARLY twenty years since I set out to seek my fortune. It has been a long search, but I think I have found it at last. I only asked to be a useful, happy woman, and my wish is granted: for, I believe I am useful; I know I am happy. Christie looked...