• 儿童如何学习语言

    12-01-10 Researchers have discovered that children under the age of two control speech using a different strategy than previously thought. During the study at Queen's University, the researchers changed the vowel sounds that the participants heard over headp...

  • An opponent lost his head

    11-11-04 While making a long, dull speech, a politician received a great deal of heckling(诘问) from the gallery. Secondly, someone threw a cabbage(卷心菜,脑袋) onto the stage. Ladies and gentlemen, said the politician , I see that one of my opponents h...

  • 大脑同一部分管理说话以及语言理解能力

    11-08-17 The brain has two big tasks related to speech: making it and understanding it. Psychologists and others who study the brain have debated whether these are really two separate tasks or whether they both use the same regions of the brain. Now, a new s...

  • Types of Speech

    11-07-22 Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in...

  • 演讲的说辞能影响听众的决策

    11-05-16 Want to convince someone to do something? A new University of Michigan study has some intriguing(有趣的) insights drawn from how we speak. The study, presented May 14 at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, e...

  • 美国研制出脑电波“翻译器”

    10-09-11 美国犹他州立大学的研究人员近期在一份研究报告中宣布,他们可以通过电脑将人类脑电波翻译成文字,且准确率最高可达90%。如果发展成熟,这样的读脑器将能够读懂任何人的心思。 Researchers have been able to translate brain signals into speech using sensors attac...

  • 仿生学语音辨识系统

    10-09-10 As speech recognition(语音辨识) systems become more commonplace - on the computer desktop top, at the call centre and even in the car - it is increasingly important to ensure that the voice signal is as clear as possible before it is processed by...

  • 阿富汗总统试图打消美国对其反西方演讲的顾虑

    10-04-03 Afghan President Hamid Karzai has telephoned Washington to allay concerns about a speech in which he criticised Western involvement in his country. 阿富汗总统哈米德卡尔扎伊致电华盛顿,意在减轻美国方面对其西方国家干涉阿富汗内政的言论的顾虑。 Hamid Ka...

  • 唱歌可能使受损的大脑重新工作

    10-02-22 Teaching stroke patients to sing rewires their brains, helping them recover their speech, say scientists. 科学家称,教中风病人唱歌可以使他们的大脑重新接线,帮助他们恢复语言能力。 By singing, patients use a different area of the brain from the area i...

  • President Obama on Progress Made During P5+1 Meeting

    09-10-17 The result is clear: The P5-plus-1 is united, and we have an international community that has reaffirmed its commitment to non-proliferation and disarmament. Thats why the Iranian government heard a clear and unified message from the international c...