• 奥斯卡获奖感言的8个有趣故事

    16-03-04 1. The oldest person to give an acceptance speech. Christopher Plummer. At the age of 82, Plummer received the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his work in Beginners (2010). He starred in the film opposite Ewan McGregor. 2. The youngest person to giv...

  • 国际社会称赞习近平9.3阅兵讲话

    15-09-07 The international community has lauded Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the Sept. 3 V-Day parade on Tian'anmen Square in the heart of Beijing, saying that Xi's speech highlighted China's dedication to maintaining peace and stability. 国际社...

  • 科学家找到大脑中专门处理语音的区域

    15-05-21 A team of New York University neuroscientists has identified a part of the brain exclusively devoted to processing speech. Its findings point to the superior temporal sulcus (STS), located in the temporal lobe, and help settle a long-standing debate...

  • 婴儿八个月大即可辨别语言

    14-07-15 Infants can tell the difference between sounds of all languages until about 8 months of age when their brains start to focus only on the sounds they hear around them. It's been unclear how this transition occurs, but social interactions and caregive...

  • 澳前总理凯文·拉德退出政界

    13-11-14 Former Australian leader Kevin Rudd has announced his retirement from politics. 澳大利亚前总理凯文拉德宣布退出政界。 In an emotional speech, the former Labor Party leader said he had not arrived at the decision lightly. But Mr Rudd, who served as pr...

  • 引发儿童语言障碍的变异基因

    13-10-28 A collaborative team of researchers has used next generation sequencing to identify clinically relevant genetic variants associated with a rare pediatric(小儿科的) speech disorder. The findings are published in the September 16, 2013 issue of the...

  • 马丁·路德·金《我有一个梦想》发表50周年

    13-08-30 Tens of thousands of people marched to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial and down the National Mall on Saturday, commemorating the 50th anniversary of King's famous speech and pledging that his dream includes equality for gays, Latinos, the poor a...

  • 狒狒吧唧嘴的声音与人类相似

    13-04-09 The vocal lip-smacks that geladas(狒狒) use in friendly encounters have surprising similarities to human speech, according to a study reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on April 8th. The geladas, which live only in the remote mount...

  • 一头亚洲大象会模仿简单的韩语

    12-11-02 An Asian elephant named Koshik can imitate human speech, speaking words in Korean that can be readily understood by those who know the language. The elephant accomplishes this in a most unusual way: he vocalizes with his trunk in his mouth. The elep...

  • 米歇尔演讲总能让奥巴马落泪

    12-09-10 US President Barack Obama tells a Virginia campaign crowd that he will try not to let his daughters see him cry during the first lady's convention speech on Tuesday night. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马在弗吉尼亚州进行竞选宣传时告诉民众说,周二晚上第一夫人在...