• 黑洞的星系塑造能力

    16-07-07 Data from a now-defunct X-ray satellite is providing new insights into the complex tug-of-war between galaxies, the hot plasma that surrounds them, and the giant black holes that lurk in their centres. Launched from Japan on February 17, 2016, the J...

  • 美国宇航局在太空成功点燃“最大火焰”

    16-06-16 U.S. space agency NASA said Wednesday it has successfully lighted the largest-ever man-made fire on an unmanned cargo ship for a microgravity experiment designed to study how fire spreads in space. 美国太空总署周三宣布,该局在一艘无人货船内成功点燃...

  • 星际空间中探测到手性分子

    16-06-16 Like a pair of human hands, certain organic molecules have mirror-image versions of themselves, a chemical property known as chirality. These so-called handed molecules are essential for biology and have intriguingly been found in meteorites on Eart...

  • 中国将发射5枚空间科学卫星

    16-06-01 China will put into space five new satellites within around five years, a senior scientist said on Wednesday. 中国一位高级科学家周三表示,未来5年内中国将向太空中发射5枚卫星。 The five satellites, including a Sino-European joint mission, will focus o...

  • Moon Village 月球村

    16-05-26 Head of the European Space Agency, Johann-Dietrich Woerner has revealed ideas for an international Moon Village that combines the capabilities of space-faring nations around the world. 欧洲航天局(ESA)的负责人约翰-迪特里希韦尔纳已经公布了国际月球村...

  • 中美举行外太空安全会谈

    16-05-12 China and the United States have held their first dialogue on outer space safety in Washington. 中国与美国就外太空安全问题在华盛顿进行了首轮会谈。 During the dialogue on Tuesday the two sides exchanged views on issues such as outer space policy, bil...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 53

    16-05-05 The fortunes of those who have figured in this tale are nearly closed. The little that remains to their historian to relate, is told in few and simple words. Before three months had passed, Rose Fleming and Harry Maylie were married in the village c...

  • 日本太空望远镜计划宣告终结

    16-04-29 Japans brand new space telescope project has come to an early end. 日本崭新的太空望远镜计划宣告提前终结。 Japans space agency on Thursday announced that they would stop attempting to communicate with the ASTRO-H space observatory after it was found...

  • 中国发射一颗探空火箭

    16-04-27 Chinese scientists launched a sounding rocket from south Chinas Hainan Province in the early hours of Wednesday. 本周三早些时候,中国科学家在中国海南省发射了一颗探空火箭。 Kunpeng-1B was launched from Danzhou City at 2 a.m. by the National Space Sci...

  • 2018年中国将发射太空站核心舱

    16-04-21 China will launch a core module belonging to its first space station around 2018, according to a senior engineer with China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. on Thursday. 中国航天科技集团公司一位高级工程师周四表示,中国将于2018年前后发射其首个...