• 地球轨道‘清道夫’计划

    23-01-29 在人类探索宇宙奥秘的同时,大量的太空垃圾也被遗弃在地球轨道上。这些人造太空物体对宇航员造成了生命危害,同时也容易破坏卫星的运作。一位意大利航天局的研究人员建议发射一系列自动清扫机来清理这些太空垃圾。 After a half century of successes in space, low-Ea...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第4章

    22-12-26 Dory? Dory! Mr. Ray said, peering over at her as she lay lifeless in the sand. The kids gasped. Is she dead? asked Chickenfish, taking a closer look. No, shes not dead! snapped Mr. Ray. A few kids groaned, disappointed. Give her some space, everybod...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-1》第15章

    22-12-22 Down in the depths of the Red Queens dungeons, the Hatter was slumped on the floor of a cold cell, staring off into space. Mallymkun was trapped inside a large birdcage hanging from the ceiling. She clung to the wiry iron bars and gazed at him, but...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第7章

    22-12-21 Wilkins clanked along the hallway in front of Alice, leading her through the maze of passageways. Alice stewed behind him, her mind churning. She was not ready to give up on her mission yet. A shrill voice sang out from somewhere ahead, breaking int...

  • 《机器人总动员》第27章

    22-12-14 The Captain took command of the bridge. He grabbed the ships wheel and turned it. Passengers spilled across the lido deck as the Axiom leveled itself. EVE set the monorail down and zoomed over to WALL E. He was pinned under the edge of the holo-dete...

  • 《机器人总动员》序

    22-12-14 In the vast regions of outer space, beyond the twinkling lights of a million stars, a murky, smog-covered Earth floats lonely and silent. The deepest oceans are all but dried and gone. What had once been blue sky is now a dust-choked brown that can...

  • 2022年宇航领域科学问题和技术难题

    22-11-26 11月21日,2022年中国航天大会在海南省海口市开幕。会上,受中国航天大会学术委员会委托,中国科学院院士、中国航天科技集团有限公司研究发展部部长王巍以视频形式发布了2022年宇航领域科学问题和技术难题。 Chinese space scientists and engineers published 10 scie...

  • 美国国家航空航天局发布黑洞的“声音”

    22-11-25 Spooky or soothing? You decide. 这个声音是诡异,还是舒缓?你觉得呢? This is what a huge black hole in space sounds like. 这就是太空中一个巨大黑洞的 声音。 US space agency Nasa recorded it from the Perseus galaxy more than 200 million light-years aw...