• statuscation 实时播报假日

    15-02-25 Statuscation is a new word coined to characterize the now commonplace activity of sharing your holiday plans on social networks. The idea is that by communicating your plans to others, from the point you book through to unpacking your suitcase when...

  • 社交媒体越来越流行 青少年的朋友却日益减少

    15-01-10 Teenagers have fewer friends than 20 years ago, research has shown - despite the increasing popularity of social media. 研究表明,与20年前相比较,尽管社交媒体越来越受人们的欢迎,但是青少年的朋友却日益减少。 A study carried out by experts at The Univ...

  • 社交媒体数据包含理解人类行为的陷阱

    14-12-30 A growing number of academic researchers are mining social media data to learn about both online and offline human behavior. In recent years, studies have claimed the ability to predict everything from summer blockbusters to fluctuations in the stoc...

  • 2015 丢掉电子产品 拥抱简单生活

    14-12-22 Experts predict 2015 will be the year when people forsake gadgets, social networks and other technology in favor of the simple life. 专家预测,到2015年,人们将丢掉电子产品、社交网络和其他的科技产品,拥抱简单生活。 Recent figures have already reveale...

  • smart taxi 智能出租车

    14-12-17 As taxi apps become smarter, experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers. Here comes the rise of the smart taxi . 随着打车软件愈发智能,专家预测,今后的...

  • couplie 情侣自拍

    14-11-26 Couplie is a self-shot of a couple. 情侣自拍即一对情侣自己给自己拍摄的照片。 Example: The selfie has competition from a new trend sweeping social media - the couplie. 自拍现在有了竞争对手情侣自拍风正在社交媒体兴起。...

  • over-connectedness 过度连接

    14-11-11 Over-connectedness refers to the state or condition of having an over-abundance of existing or potential technologically mediated connections to other people and to online resources. 过度连接(over-connectedness)指生活中现有的或潜在可用的、跟别人或...

  • 青少年在社交网络上很少“表示自我”

    14-11-07 Social media just isn't real. 社交网络是不真实的。 Yes, you thought that everyone was just being themselves, but teens, those extrasensory beings, are fed up with all the flimflam and fluff that's all over their Twitters and Facebooks. I take this i...

  • friending 加好友

    14-10-27 Friending means to act as the friend of someone or to include (someone) in a list of designated friends on a person's social networking site. Friending的意思是做某人的朋友或者将某人在社交网站上加为好友。 The word comes from a term coined by Shakespe...

  • 科技如何影响人们之间的交流

    14-10-18 毫无疑问,科技正在改变我们的生活。但我们是否能意识到它在我们生活中的存在,以及它是如何影响我们和至亲的人之间的交流吗? It is now an uncontested fact that technology is pervasive throughout our lives. But how often do we assess its presence in our re...