• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 72

    22-07-22 For the next three months Philip went every day to see Mildred. He took his books with him and after tea worked, while Mildred lay on the sofa reading novels. Sometimes he would look up and watch her for a minute. A happy smile crossed his lips. She...

  • slack 划水

    22-03-24 懒惰是人类的天性,因此才总有人会在工作时划水。 划水,本意是指用胳膊划的动作(make strokes with ones arms),延伸为偷懒、怠工(work less hard than you usually do or should do),可以用slack表示。 这个词起初用于形容偷懒的船夫,当其他船夫在认真划船时,...

  • 站队

    22-03-02 1. take sbs part 这个短语的意思是支持(某人),站在(某人)一边。 For once, my brother took my part in the argument. 只有一次我哥哥在争论中站在我这边。 2. speak in sbs favor 这多指公开表示支持,而favor的相关表达be in favor of sth/doing sth就有表示赞...

  • to be on the safe side 谨慎起见;以防万一

    22-01-29 (just) to be on the safe side的意思是谨慎起见;以防万一,直接用在句末就可以了。 Im sure it wont rain, but Ill take an umbrella (just) to be on the safe side (= to be ready if it does rain). 我知道不会下雨,但是为了以防万一,我还是要带把...

  • the other side of the coin 事情的另一面

    21-12-28 The other side of the coin 就是指一件事情的另一面或相反的观点。 例句 I always thought teachers were really unfair to pupils, but I saw the other side of the coin when I became one myself. Many people think social networking sites are great fun, but...

  • 邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好

    21-07-15 The grass is always greener on the other side 的字面意思是另一边的草看着总是要绿一些。这个表达在中文里相对应的意思是邻家的草格外绿,这山望着那山高。我们可以用它来形容人们不满足现状,总觉得别人的条件比自己好,或觉得得不到的总是更有诱惑力。有时候,这...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 10

    21-03-17 Though now the middle of December, there had yet been no weather to prevent the young ladies from tolerably regular exercise; and on the morrow, Emma had a charitable visit to pay to a poor sick family, who lived a little way out of Highbury. Their...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 16

    21-02-24 More than once during the following few days, Stratton was forced to a grudging admiration, of Tex Lynchs cleverness. Even knowing what he did, he failed to detect the slightest sign in either the foreman or his men that they were waiting expectantl...

  • side boob 侧露胸

    20-12-26 Side boob is a view of the female breast seen from a side; generally under loosely-fitting clothes. Its very titillating and sexual without showing any overt nudity. The word has been added to the Oxford dictionary. 侧露胸是从侧面看到的女性胸部,通...

  • Look on the bright side 往好处想,看到好的一面

    20-10-26 动词短语 look on the bright side 可以用来描述某人试图从一个消极的情况中看到积极的一面。这个短语多用来表达某人拥有积极乐观人生态度。Look on the bright side 也可以简写为 on the bright side。 例句 My old bike got stolen, but on the bright side, the ins...