• 《冰雪奇缘》第20章

    23-01-30 The howling winds pushed against Kristoff as he headed back up the mountain, away from Arendelle. He adjusted his goggles and wrapped his scarf tightly around his face. Sven was lagging behind. The reindeer looked longingly back at Arendelle and the...

  • 《海底总动员-2》第21章

    22-12-28 In the ocean, everyone panicked when they saw the truck drive over the bridge and away from the water! Quick! Guys, grab my fin! Destiny said. Jenny, Charlie, Marlin, and Nemo grabbed hold of Destiny as she took off, swimming at full speed along the...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第14章

    22-12-21 A bright light woke Alice. She cracked her eyes open, raising her hand to shield them. Feeling a bit dizzy, she sat up slowly. She was lying in a metal-framed bed. The room was shaped in a peculiar circle and filled with other beds, all of them empt...

  • give one's best shot 尽力而为

    22-08-26 我朋友 Mark 受到我去跑马拉松的鼓舞,最近也报名参加业余铁人三项比赛,包括游泳、骑车和长跑,他知道自己不可能赢,但他告诉我说,He will give it his best shot. 他一定会尽力而为。这也是我们今天要学习的习惯用语。 To give ones best shot. 意思是不管会不会成...