• made of money 腰缠万贯,极为富有

    22-11-28 表达 made of money 的字面意思是 用钱做的,但它实际用来形容某人 非常富有,腰缠万贯,舍得花钱。如果想用这个表达来形容自己 没有钱,则可以说:Im not made of money.(我不是有钱人。) 例句 Shes just been on three-month cruise around the world she must be...

  • 美国初创企业推出电动“风火轮”鞋子

    22-11-14 近日,美国一家机器人初创企业推出了一款号称全世界最快的鞋子,据称最多能将步行速度提高250%。这款鞋子装有电动风火轮,穿着这种鞋可以像穿普通鞋子一样行走,并能根据穿着者步行数据加快或减慢速度。 A Pittsburgh-based robotics and engineering startup recently...

  • at home 在家

    22-07-04 at home 如果要表达 我在家,需要加介词 at Im at home. 例: I dont like walking around in my shoes when Im at home. 我在家里不喜欢穿着鞋走来走去。 思维拓展: 接下来,再和大家说说home的各种表达吧! 看到回家这个词,可能大多数人脑子里浮现的是 go home, 但...

  • shoo-in 稳操胜券的人

    21-08-13 A shoo-in 可用来形容对于胜利十拿九稳的人或团队。注意:单词 shoo 的发音同 shoe 鞋子 一样。 例句 Rachel thought shed be a shoo-in for a promotion within the company. After such a successful role, the actor was a shoo-in for an award nomination. Hes a...

  • put oneself in somebody's shoes 换位思考

    21-07-20 表达 to put oneself in somebodys shoes 的意思是站在他人的角度或立场考虑问题,也就是换位思考。 这里的 shoes 也可以用 place 或者 position来替代。To put yourself in my shoes、to put yourself in my place 或 to put yourself in my position 这三个说法的意...

  • 奥地利公司研发盲人用智能导航鞋

    21-05-11 随着科技的发展,如今盲人不靠拐杖也能独立行走了。奥地利研发出了一款智能导航鞋,可以探测到4米远的障碍物,堪称盲人的出行利器。 Austrian company Tec-Innovation recently unveiled smart shoes that use ultrasonic sensors to help people suffering from blind...

  • 国产鞋遭鞋贩子热炒

    21-04-08 原价一千五,炒到四万八,暴涨31倍!近日,国产球鞋爆款涨价、缺货的消息多次登上热搜,引发热议。 As the stances of some global sportswear brands - including Nike and Adidas - toward cotton grown in Northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have...

  • 伦敦某小学师生上课不准穿鞋

    18-06-11 A school in north London has gone shoe-free in a bid to make children feel more at home in classes. 伦敦北部一所小学的师生上课不穿鞋,目的是让孩子在课堂里感觉更自在。 Pupils at the Torriano School in Kentish Town are being told to take off their sho...

  • 荷兰公司用口香糖做运动鞋鞋底

    18-05-13 Dutch fashion and shoe label Explicit Wear is hoping to solve one of lifes sticky situations -- the annoyance of stepping in discarded chewing gum on the pavement -- while helping to keep Amsterdams city streets clean. 踩到吐在人行道上的口香糖是件令...