• Mama Needs A New Pair of Shoes

    14-10-22 A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking. After becoming very frustrated with the no haggle...

  • A bargain 物美价廉

    14-09-16 A friend of mine, while visiting his mother in Florida, took her to a shoe store to purchase a new pair of shoes. While she was trying on different styles, my friend took the manager aside. When she picks out a pair that she likes, he said, Just tel...

  • flat shoes 平底鞋

    14-07-22 A good pair of flat shoes is a must-have item in any woman's closet. They are very versatile and go well with pants and skirts alike. We recommend pairing flats with skinny jeans or capris, but you can be creative and improvise as you like. 一双美观...

  • 伴随英国女王近50年的漆皮鞋

    14-07-06 And these valuable servants? Not equerries or other royal minions, but her trusty patent leather shoes, the unsung heroes of the Royal household. 近50年来,它们陪伴英国女王伊丽莎白二世探访各地,时刻保持优雅端庄却从不夺走女王的光彩。它们是英国王室的...

  • 英国设计师推出不锈钢高跟鞋

    14-05-03 据报道,英国一位鞋设计师推出一双不锈钢高跟鞋,保质期1000年。这名设计师声称这是全世界最舒服的高跟鞋,尽管所用的材料与制造刀叉的材料是一样的。 It's a sad day for any woman when she finally has to admit her favourite heels are simply worn out. But havi...

  • 英国女子穿鞋过敏领救济20年

    13-10-25 在过去的20年里一名有着4个孩子的母亲Tracy Kenny因为穿鞋过敏一直没有工作。而这20年里她一直领取着政府的残疾人生活津贴,总额累积达10万磅。不过最近该女子被告知她的津贴将被砍掉了,因为政府认为她适合工作了。 A mother-of-four claimed 100,000 in benefits say...

  • Heretic That I Am

    13-10-11 Heretic That I Am Toms Q. Morn Three days now the mold(霉菌,模子) has advanced across the face of the peach I caught with one hand like Willie Mays, saving it from the sidewalk and its army of black shoes and how could it happen that my peach tur...

  • 跑步造成的伤痛与足内翻无关

    13-06-16 If you are healthy and plan to start running for the first time, it is perfectly all right to put on a pair of completely ordinary 'neutral' running shoes without any special support. Even though your feet overpronate when you run -- i.e. roll inwar...

  • Jelly shoes 果冻鞋

    13-02-27 Jelly shoes or jellies are shoes made of PVC plastic. Jelly shoes come in a large variety of brands and colors and the material is frequently infused with glitter. Its name refers to the semi-transparent materials with a jelly-like sheen. The shoes...

  • 加拿大女子制作出可调节高度高跟鞋

    12-09-22 旅居巴黎的加拿大女子坦尼亚希斯经过三年的研究制作出了一款可随意调换鞋跟高度的高跟鞋。当你走在上班路上,觉得鞋跟太高、脚不舒服的时候,只要按一下鞋跟上的按钮,把高跟卸下来,换上一副适合走路的鞋跟就可以了。 A multi-height shoe with changeable heels, cre...