• 外籍家庭佣人在北京将合法

    18-02-22 Beijing Municipality is considering allowing foreign professionals to bring their own domestic servants to work in Beijing this year, authorities said Wednesday. 北京市政府周三表示,今年起将允许外国专家带着保姆在北京一起工作。 Beijing municipal comm...

  • 中国公务员将不得兼职商会职务

    15-11-26 Chinese authorities have laid out a set of new plans to sever the link between governments and trade associations. 中国当局已出台一套新举措来分离政府与协会商会之间的联系。 The move is expected to give more independence to trade associations. Under t...

  • The mistress and her servants 女主人和仆人

    15-04-07 A widow, thrifty and industrious, had two servants, whom she kept pretty hard at work. They were not allowed to lie long abed in the mornings, but the old lady had them up and doing as soon as the cock crew. They disliked intensely having to get up...

  • 英国公务员“薪酬地图”遭泄露

    12-05-27 David Cameron is facing a complete breakdown in relations with his mandarins as a secret blueprint to break up the civil service is revealed today. 一张有关英国公务员的秘密薪酬地图近日遭到泄露,英国首相大卫-卡梅伦很可能因此和同僚们把关系搞僵。 The p...

  • 画蛇添足

    12-02-08 In the Warring States Period, a man in the state of Chu was offering a sacrifice(祭品) to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants. The servants thought that there was not enought wine for all of them, and d...

  • 印尼禁止公民到沙特当佣人

    11-06-23 Indonesia is to stop allowing its citizens to work as domestic servants in Saudi Arabia after the execution of a maid for murder last week. 印度尼西亚将禁止其公民到沙特当佣人,此决定源于上周一名女佣因谋杀被处刑。 Officials said the moratorium(暂停...
