• 什么让我们害怕?

    21-01-28 蜘蛛、飞行、看牙医 这些都是可能让我们感到惧怕的事情。因为无法控制这种恐惧感,久而久之,就产生了恐惧症。本文讨论让人产生恐惧的原因以及应如何控制自己的情绪。 What are the things that scare you: snakes, spiders or creepy crawlies? Or maybe you have a f...

  • a sense of guilt 负罪感

    21-01-27 负罪感,指当人做了一件自己觉得违反了自己良心的事情,事后对自己的行为产生后悔或罪过的情绪。可以翻译为a sense of guilt,guilty conscience。有负罪感的可以用guilt-ridden表示,指filled with feelings of guilt。 例句: 在一月的第一周,许多有负罪感的人报名...

  • The Mysterious Key And What It Opened - Chapter 4

    20-11-10 Hes a handsome lad, and one any woman might be proud to call her son, said Hester to Bedford, the stately butler, as they lingered at the hall door one autumn morning to watch their young ladys departure on her daily ride. You are right, Mrs. Hester...

  • window looker 照窗族

    16-05-08 A window looker refers to someone who compulsively looks into windows of buildings, stores or parked cars to check out their hair, their teeth, and everything about their appearance. People who usually behave like this are either having a strong sen...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 2

    16-05-05 Mr. Weston was a native of Highbury, and born of a respectable family, which for the last two or three generations had been rising into gentility and property. He had received a good education, but, on succeeding early in life to a small independenc...

  • feelin' yourself 自恋

    16-01-28 Feelin' yourself refers to the state of having a sense of self-confidence. You are so pleased with the way you look that you would like to show it through everyday actions. What's more, you assume that others would think the same way. Feelin' yourse...

  • 科学研究证明男性方向感更强

    15-12-20 For many men, the idea that they have a better sense of direction than women was never in doubt, but now a scientific study has proved it. 很多男性都坚信自己的方向感要比女性的强,而现在更有科学研究证实了该说法。 Researchers from Norway scanned the b...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 6-ILL AND CONSCIENCE

    15-12-09 I came down to the ship I found it strangely removed. The forecastle, which lay before buried in sand, was heaved up at least six feet, and the stern, which was broke in pieces and parted from the rest by the force of the sea, soon after I had left...

  • The Sleeping Dogs of Erice

    15-11-13 The Sleeping Dogs of Erice Stanley Plumly At half-a-mile the thirty marble churches and cobbled marble streets feel light as air above the sky-blue depths of the Tyrrhenian, feel able, in fact, to float as on the platform of the mountain of a cloud,...

  • sense of gain 获得感

    15-08-21 The best way to test if a reform has achieved its aim is to check people's true feelings about the reform fruits. Xi said that making people have a sense of gain is a decisive rule to measure the gold content of any reform. 检验改革效果的最佳方式就...