• 1984年自拍杆就已问世

    15-05-21 The selfie stick didn't always look like this. The original patent was filed all the way back in 1984, before cell phones were ubiquitous. Before the word selfie was even coined, let alone in the dictionary. The first selfie stick was neither as ele...

  • 自拍臂——更好的自拍神器

    15-05-17 Selfie sticks, for better or worse, have taken the world by storm. 无论结果是好是坏,自拍杆已经席卷全球。 However, a pair of US artists believe they have gone one better, with a selfie arm. The gadget makes those in the picture look as though they a...

  • 女性通常会对第六张自拍照最满意

    15-05-02 Women typically take and delete five pictures before settling on a selfie they feel comfortable posting online, a survey found. 一项调查发现,女性每每需要拍摄并删除五张自拍照,才能最终拍出一张自己觉得舒服的照片发在网上。 And men are happy only on th...

  • selfie stick 自拍杆

    15-03-16 A selfie stick is a monopod used to take selfie photographs by positioning a smartphone or camera beyond the normal range of the arm. The metal sticks are typically extensible, with a handle on one end and an adjustable clamp on the other end to hol...

  • 美国两名女性游客在罗马斗兽场刻字被抓现行

    15-03-12 Tourists are once again getting into trouble in Italy, with two American women caught carving their names into Rome's Colosseum. 游客们在意大利又惹事了。2名美国女性游客日前在意大利的罗马斗兽场上刻字,被抓现行。 The Californians, aged 21 and 25, snuc...

  • 美国公司推出自拍面包机

    15-03-08 Continuing its 167-year history of offering the Best, the Only and the Unexpected, Hammacher Schlemmer introduces The Selfie Toaster, which indelibly brands its owner's image onto slices of bread. 美国零售商马赫尔施莱默公司167年来一直秉承着只提供最...

  • 未来自拍照片可以创建银行账户

    15-02-13 Customers at Lloyds will soon be able to set up an account or take out a credit card by sending a photo of themselves from their smartphone or tablet. 不久的将来,劳埃德银行的客户可以通过他们的智能手机或平板电脑上传自己的个人相片,以创建银行账户或是...

  • 伦敦教育机构开设自拍课程

    15-01-10 With courses on David Beckham, Harry Potter and politicizing Beyonc on offer at prestigious universities, it comes as no surprise that students are now able to learn the art of the perfect 'selfie'. 继知名高校开设研究贝克汉姆、《哈利波特》或碧昂丝政...

  • 遥控飞机或将取代手机成自拍利器

    14-12-28 According to French drone manufacturer Parrot, the burgeoning popularity of the remote-controlled miniature aircraft is being fuelled by narcissism as people buy drones fitted with cameras in order to film themselves. 法国无人机制造厂商帕罗表示,因...

  • 悉尼咖啡馆遭劫持也无法阻止自拍

    14-12-19 Tourists have always taken selfies of themselves at Sydney's most iconic landmarks, but on a day that has horrified the city many people are taking macabre snapshots for old times' sake as well. 游客们经常会在悉尼的标志性建筑前自拍,但在悉尼咖啡馆遭...