• 游客与树懒合影走红网络

    16-07-16 IS this the worlds first ever slofie? 这是世界上第一张树懒拍吗? A man used his selfie stick for a brilliant snap with an a happy creature while trekking through the forest in South America. The photo has since been shared hundreds of thousands of t...

  • workout impostor 假装锻炼族

    16-05-08 A workout impostor is someone who walks around in workout or gym-like clothing to give the effect that they have worked out or gone to the gym today or are planning to work out or go to the gym today when in reality they have not or are not going to...

  • 让人后背一凉的诡异自拍照

    16-04-05 A ghostly selfie is sending shivers down the spine of social media users. 一张诡异的自拍照正让社交媒体用户们感到后背一凉。 The spooky image, posted by Twitter user @itsthemans, shows a couple smiling for a selfie taken on a smartphone... completely...

  • 埃及航空班机上有乘客跟劫持者合影留念

    16-04-04 A passenger from the hijacked EgyptAir flight who had the cheek to take a photograph with his captor is a 26-year-old British man from Leeds. 被劫持的埃及航空班机上,竟有一位乘客跟劫持者合影留念,让人大跌眼镜。这位乘客是一名26岁的英国人,家住利兹。...

  • 俄罗斯向自拍杆用户推出自卫课程

    15-11-29 Russians who use selfie sticks to take photographs of themselves are being offered a self-defence course in case they are mugged, it's been reported. 据报道,俄罗斯向自拍杆用户推出自卫课程,防止他们自拍时遭劫。 The act of flaunting an expensive smar...

  • selfeet 晒脚自拍

    15-11-26 Selfeet is a new variation on selfie, which means to capture a person's shoes atop high-impact flooring. 晒脚自拍是自拍的一个新门类,指用镜头捕捉双脚站在颇具视觉冲击力的地板上的画面。 Since they made their first appearances early last year, selfeets...

  • fakeation 假装度假

    15-11-11 Fakeation is the unusual practice of staying at home but telling everyone you're away. 假装度假指明明待在家里,却告诉别人你出去玩了。 Some take a selfie that looks like they're on holiday and post it on social media, some go so far as applying tanni...

  • 怎样自拍更好看

    15-11-06 If you've ever wondered what makes the perfect selfie, some of the world's most powerful computers have been pondering the same question. 如果你在琢磨怎样自拍更好看,世界上最强大的电脑也在思考着同样的问题。 Researchers have trained a neural network...

  • morning selfie 晨拍

    15-07-30 Morning selfie describes the situation when someone posts a selfie to any social media in the morning, looking like he/she just woke up, but in fact, they already took a shower and put on make-up before taking the selfie. Still, there are someone st...

  • 上海迪斯尼将禁用自拍杆

    15-07-02 Selfie sticks are to be banned at Shanghai Disneyland Resort which is set to open in 2016, according to a report from the Shanghai Morning Post. 《新闻晨报》报道,2016年开业的上海迪斯尼乐园将禁用自拍杆。 According to a Disney spokesperson, the move...