• 《魔发奇缘》第14章

    22-09-07 Wheres Rider? the captain of the guards barked. Where is he? I know hes in here somewhere. The captain surveyed the mangy crowd in the tavern. Find him, he said to the other guards. Turn this place upside down if you have to! Flynn grabbed Rapunzel,...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 42

    22-07-18 There was a general disturbance. Flanagan and two or three more went on to the music-hall, while Philip walked slowly with Clutton and Lawson to the Closerie des Lilas. You must go to the Gaite Montparnasse, said Lawson to him. Its one of the loveli...

  • “凌日搜索计划”招募志愿者在家中参与太空观测

    22-01-22 行星猎人下一代凌日搜索计划(The Planet Hunters Next-Generation Transit Survey ) 正在招募志愿者在线参与太空观测,安坐家中就能当 天文学家。该项目正在向公众寻求帮助,查看五年来拍摄到的天空中最亮恒星的数字影像。 Queens University is a key partner in th...

  • 字节跳动将进入搜索引擎市场

    19-08-14 ByteDance, the fast-growing social media unicorn in China, is set to enter the search engine market in China in a battle against Baidu and Tencent, reports CNBC. 字节跳动,中国快速发展的社交媒体独角兽,将要进入搜索引擎领域与百度和腾讯相抗争。 The co...

  • 美国佛州在建天桥坍塌 四人死亡

    18-03-16 A pedestrian bridge that was under construction collapsed onto a busy Miami highway Thursday afternoon, killing at least four people, authorities said. 周四下午,美国佛罗里达州一座正在建造中的人行天桥发生坍塌,造成至少四人死亡。 Search-and-rescue cr...

  • 欧盟向谷歌罚款24.2亿欧元

    17-06-28 The European Commission fines Google 2.42 billion euros (2.7 billion U.S. dollars) for abusing its dominance as a search engine by giving illegal advantage to its own comparison shopping service. 因谷歌滥用自身在搜索引擎领域的主导地位,在搜索结果中...

  • 微软在英国上线奖励措施

    17-06-10 Microsoft Rewards has launched in the UK, and aims to tempt more people over to Bing. 微软奖励计划已经在英国推出,旨在吸引更多人使用必应搜索引擎。 Its the companys latest attempt to poach Googles users, and arguably the most desperate so far. Micros...

  • 澳马中宣布放弃搜寻MH370

    17-01-18 The search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 has been called off, in a joint statement made by Australian, Malaysian and Chinese governments on Tuesday. 本周二,澳大利亚、马来西亚以及中国政府发布一份联合声明,宣布停止搜寻失联的马航客机...

  • 法庭常用词汇 5

    16-08-04 Reasonable Doubt 合理怀疑 Their approach is to whittle away at the evidence to show reasonable doubt. 他们的做法是要削弱证据的说服力以提出合理的质疑。 Search warrant 搜查令 Officers armed with a search warrant entered the flat. 警察们持搜查证进入了...

  • 英国老奶奶用谷歌搜索时不忘写“请”和“谢谢”

    16-06-19 Google has thanked an 86-year-old British grandmother who proved old-fashioned manners have a place in the modern world when she typed please and thank you in an internet search. 谷歌近日向一位86岁的英国老奶奶表达了感谢,这位老奶奶在网络搜索时不忘写...