• 谷歌被指操控搜索利于希拉里

    16-06-17 Earlier this week, an investigative video created by news and pop culture website SourceFed went viral, drawing millions of views on Facebook and YouTube. 本周早些时候,一个由新闻和流行文化网站SourceFed制作的调查视频火了,脸书和YouTube上的观看次数达...

  • 搜狗将于微软Bing进行合作

    16-05-19 Chinese search engine Sogou announced Thursday that it has teamed up with Microsofts Bing to provide Chinese users a gateway to English searches. 中国搜素引擎搜狗周四宣布与微软Bing进行合作,向中国网民提供一个英语搜索的途径。 The two new features are...

  • 百度业务模式将转向人工智能

    16-05-12 The head of Baidu Inc has pledged to shift the companys business from a search-oriented model to one based on artificial intelligence. 百度公司董事长承诺,公司的业务模式将从搜索导向模式转变为人工智能基础模式。 Baidu CEO Li Yanhong said in an interna...

  • 百度宣布分离视频搜索业务

    16-04-22 Chinese Internet giant Baidu has spun-off its video search unit. 中国互联网巨头百度公司宣布分离其视频搜索业务。 Shanghai New Culture Media Group is investing one billion yuan in Baidus video search division, which is now going to be called Xiaodu In...

  • 假设:地外生物正在搜寻生命 我们却没有发现

    16-03-02 As scientists step up their search for other life in the universe, two astrophysicists are proposing a way to make sure we don't miss the signal if extraterrestrial observers try to contact us first. Ren Heller and Ralph Pudritz say the best chance...

  • 搜索引擎容易让人自视过高

    15-06-23 Search engines like Google or Yahoo make people think they are smarter than they actually are because they have the world's knowledge at their fingertips, psychologists at Yale University have found. 耶鲁大学的心理学家发现,谷歌或雅虎等搜索引擎容易...

  • 谷歌为用户储存浏览记录

    15-05-06 Now Google is offering users the option of downloading their entire search archive, as well as deleting part, or all, of the record. 目前,谷歌为用户提供了储存他们全部浏览记录的技术支持,用户也可以选择部分删除或者全部删除他们的浏览记录。 The feature...

  • search area 搜索区域

    14-05-23 A new search area may be opened in the Indian Ocean as authorities try to determine what happened to a missing Malaysian airliner, the White House said on Thursday. 白宫方面周四表示,为了调查马航失联航班的真相,政府或将搜索区域扩大至印度洋。 马航失...

  • 谷歌微软将给虐童照片搜索设阻

    13-11-18 Leading search engine companies Google and Microsoft have agreed measures to make it harder to find child abuse images online. 搜索引擎领军角色谷歌与微软达成协议,在线搜索虐童照片将会更加困难。 As many as 100,000 search terms will now return no resu...

  • 法医家族式DNA搜索有误搜几率

    13-08-15 Forensic DNA-based familial search methods may mistakenly identify individuals in a database as siblings or parents of an unknown perpetrator(犯罪者) , when in fact they are distant relatives, according to research published August 14 in the open...