• 世界首列虚拟轨道车在株洲试运行

    18-05-09 The worlds first virtual track vehicle, the Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART), starts a test run which will last for three months in Zhuzhou, central Chinas Hunan Province on May 8, 2018, reports rednet.cn. 红网报道,世界首列虚拟轨道车,智能轨道快...

  • 论跑步耐力人类远胜其它物种

    18-04-21 Each year, a small town in Wales holds the Man Versus Horse Marathon. Its a 22-mile race between riders on horseback and runners. And, while horses often win, humans will sometimes prevail. 威尔士的一个小镇每年都会举办人马长跑大赛,由骑马者和跑步者...

  • 27岁彭郑钰成中国最年轻的世界马拉松大满贯跑者

    17-06-05 27-year-old Peng Zhengyu from Zhejiang province has become Chinas youngest runner to complete all six World Marathon Majors. 27岁浙江女孩彭郑钰成为中国最年轻的完成世界马拉松大满贯的跑步者。 She completed the marathons in Tokyo, London, Berlin, Chica...

  • 酷跑 澳大利亚新健身热潮

    15-12-02 If youre bored with old-fashioned running, or if you feel that it's not a complete workout, you might want to try crunning, a new fitness craze that's taking Australia by storm. No, it does not mean crying while running, it's actually a cross betwee...

  • Kipsang number 基普桑数字

    15-11-11 Kipsang number refers to the maximum distance a person could run at the average pace used by Wilson Kipsang while setting the marathon world record. 基普桑数字指一个人能以威尔森基普桑创造马拉松世界纪录时的平均步速跑出的最长距离。 显然,基普桑数字与...

  • A little rabbit is running 奔跑的小白兔

    15-06-09 A little rabbit is happily running through the forest when he stumbles upon a giraffe rolling a joint. The rabbit looks at her and says, Giraffe my friend, why do you do this? Come with me running through the forest, you'll feel so much better! The...

  • 2015北京国际长跑节 杨威领跑

    15-04-28 Thousands of professional and amateur runners worldwide have participated in the 2015 Beijing International Running Festival which just wound up at the weekend. 来自全世界的数以千计的专业以及业余奔跑者参加了上周末举行的2015北京国际长跑节。 A reporte...

  • 跑步造成的伤痛与足内翻无关

    13-06-16 If you are healthy and plan to start running for the first time, it is perfectly all right to put on a pair of completely ordinary 'neutral' running shoes without any special support. Even though your feet overpronate when you run -- i.e. roll inwar...

  • 走跑交替能节省体能

    13-01-31 Forget slow and steady wins the race. A new study shows that, at least sometimes, the best way to conserve energy and reach your destination on time is to alternate between walking and running -- whether your goal is the bus stop or a marathon finis...

  • 公交运行词汇

    12-09-24 运行 running 正点,准点 on schedule 正点率 on-schedule rate(正点行车次数与总行车次数之比) 早点,快点 running hot(车辆运行早于时刻表规定的时间) 晚点,慢点 behind the schedule 压点 decelerated run(车辆运行因早点而减速行驶) 赶点 accelerated run(...