• 《恐龙当家》第14章

    22-11-09 Arlo gulped. Rustlers? he asked. Butch walked further ahead and found a dead longhorn in the tumbleweed. We gotta move, said Butch. Hya! The T-rexes took off, running swiftly and quietly. Spot and Arlo followed as they tracked the prints until they...

  • rock the boat 捣乱,惹麻烦,破坏现状

    22-10-31 rock除了名词岩石以外,还可以做动词使用,表示摇晃,摇动的意思,这样的话,字面意思就变成了摇晃船。 比如: Stop rocking the boat!You will turn it over! 别摇晃船了!你会把船翻掉的! 但是想想看,一艘小船或独木舟,你要是大力摇晃,那可是会翻船的啊!rock...

  • 《头脑特工队》第16章

    22-09-06 Chapter 16 There go the core memories, Joy whispered to Sadness. The guards opened the heavy door and a spooky light spilled out along with the frightening sounds of thunder, howling, screaming, roars, and circus music. I cant go in there. Im scared...