• 地质学家发现新大陆:西兰洲

    17-02-21 Geologists claim to have discovered a new continent to the east of Australia: Zealandia. At 4.9 million square kilometres of land mass, 94 percent of which is under water, Zealandia would be the worlds smallest continent. 地质学家声称,在澳洲以东发...

  • 各种不同类型的音乐 2

    16-08-22 ROCK FIELD 摇滚音乐 Acid Rock 酸性摇滚(幻觉摇滚的一种激烈、大声的变奏,依赖变奏的吉它、迷幻的歌词和长时间的即兴表演) Adult-Oriented Rock 成人抒情摇滚(曲风抒情,旋律优美的轻缓摇滚乐) Alternative Rock 另类摇滚 Art Rock 艺术摇滚 Blues-Rock 蓝调摇滚...

  • 玩“石头、剪刀、布”时想取胜要多出“布”

    16-03-26 Many people formulate a strategy for the game rock, paper, scissors, which they believe is sure to beat the competition. 玩石头、剪刀、布的时候,许多人都有一套自己的策略,他们相信那就是自己制胜的诀窍。 But a new study reveals players actually dont s...

  • Canticle for Native Brook Trout

    16-03-15 Canticle for Native Brook Trout Todd Davis Now we are all sitting here strangely On top of the sunlight. JAMES WRIGHT Fishing the narrow stream of light, we follow a seam between hemlock and sweating rhododendron, tulip poplar and white oak that gro...

  • 老鹰乐队传奇人物格伦·弗雷逝世

    16-01-20 Glenn Frey, a founding member of the rock legends the Eagles, has died at the age of 67 in New York City. 摇滚传奇老鹰乐队创始成员格伦弗雷在纽约逝世,享年67岁。 The news was confirmed by the band on its website on Monday, saying Frey had undergone i...

  • 错位拍摄所得的惊险照片

    15-12-24 The amazing sight of a fitness fanatic working out his washboard stomach by dangling upside down over a Brazilian beach was initially seen as a daring act of stupidity. 一位健身狂人日前上传了自己在巴西一处海滩上空倒挂悬崖的惊人照,向人们展示了他如同...

  • Robison Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记 Chapter 4-FIRST WEEKS ON THE ISL

    15-12-09 WHEN I waked it was broad day, the weather clear, and the storm abated, so that the sea did not rage and swell as before. But that which surprised me most was, that the ship was lifted off in the night from the sand where she lay by the swelling of...

  • 樵夫过梁

    14-09-24 There was a natural rock bridge in Mountain Chi Cheng. The bridge was only one foot in width, and was covered with smooth and slippery mosses. On both sides there were steep cliffs, and it was really dangerous. But there was a woodman that could cro...

  • The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor 8

    14-06-20 Here I lived in darkness and misery until my provisions(食品,预备) were exhausted, but just as I was nearly dead from starvation the rock was rolled away overhead and I saw that a bier(棺材,尸架) was being lowered into the cavern, and that the...

  • 阿特拉斯山漂浮在熔岩层之上

    14-01-05 The Atlas Mountains defy the standard model for mountain structure in which high topography(地势) must have deep roots for support, according to a new study from Earth scientists at USC. In a new model, the researchers show that the mountains are...