• 智能情侣对戒 随时感受另一半心跳

    16-08-27 Described as the most sophisticated ring in the world, the Touch HB Ring is a smart wedding band that lets you feel the rhythm of your partners heartbeat in real time. 由Touch公司所研发的[HB Ring]情侣对戒,据称是世界上制作最精良的戒指,是一款可随...

  • Painted Turtle

    16-03-15 Painted Turtle Gretchen Marquette Summer road the ring around the lake, we drove mostly in silence. Why aren't I your wife? You swerved around a turtle sunning itself. I wanted to go back. To hold the hot disc of it and place it in the grass. We wer...

  • 加拿大青年将戒指发送到太空边缘求婚

    16-01-02 It's said that love has no limits, but how far can a person really go to express their feelings? 据说爱情无界限,但一个人为了表达自己的感情能做到什么程度呢? Apparently, all the way to the stratosphere. When the time came for Shawn Wright of Calgary...

  • The Mood Ring

    15-09-14 My husband bought me a mood ring the other day. When I'm in a good mood, it turns green. When I'm in a bed mood, it leaves a red mark on his foehead....

  • 可以来电震动的智能戒指

    15-08-17 While Apple, Olio and Opening Ceremony are already tinkering with premium materials in the smartwatch space, other wearable devices haven't received just as much love. 虽然Apple、Olio以及Opening Ceremony公司纷纷已经在智能手表领域推出了采用高端材料制...

  • 英国珠宝商首创带有GPS追踪器的戒指

    15-06-19 Brides who say 'yes' could be agreeing to a lot more than they bargained for, with the unveiling of a new engagement ring that also doubles as a tracking device. 新的订婚戒指兼追踪器揭开面纱,说我愿意的新娘同意的内容可能远比想象中的多。 British jewe...

  • 《指环王》摄影师安德鲁·莱斯尼因心脏病离世

    15-04-29 Andrew Lesnie, the cinematographer for The Lord of the Rings trilogy, died on Monday after suffering a fatal heart attack. He was 59. 《指环王》三部曲的摄影师安德鲁莱斯尼周一因心脏病离世,享年59岁。 The filmmaker from Sydney, Australia, won an Acade...

  • enragement ring 消气戒指

    14-10-15 An enragement ring is a piece of jewelry, typically a ring that is purchased for a girlfriend in an effort to make her happy after you have made her angry. 消气戒指就是男朋友在惹女友生气后买来给女友让她开心的一件首饰,通常是一个戒指。 Boyfriends are...

  • 英国八旬高龄的恋人订婚42年终结婚

    14-08-01 据英国《每日邮报》报道,1972年,英国男子大卫巴克与恋人达芙妮索普订婚。但从订婚到步入婚姻殿堂,这对恋人却走了42年。日前,这对八旬高龄的恋人才终成眷属。 Two lovestruck pensioners have finally exchanged vows - 42 years after they got engaged. David Bar...

  • 英国新娘结婚当天婚戒被偷

    14-07-06 A cold-hearted thief is believed to have swiped a black handbag containing the sapphire and diamond-encrusted platinum band from a secluded village church in Sussex as Caroline Marshall, 32, and James Granshaw, 29, said their vows. 32岁的卡洛琳马歇...