• 防晒霜和化妆品会“杀精”

    15-07-03 Sunscreen and cosmetics could be killing men's sperm, according to researchers who found that only one in four males has good fertility levels. 研究人员发现,防晒霜和化妆品会杀精,而且只有25%的男性拥有优质精子。 Experts in reproduction said chemical...

  • potato quality 土豆质量

    14-11-11 Potato quality is used to describe low quality videos. 土豆质量被用于描述那种质量很差的视频。 Recorded with a potato is a phrase commonly found in YouTube comments criticizing the resolution of a video that appears heavily pixelated, blurry or other...

  • econnoisseur 羊毛党

    14-03-20 Econnoisseur is one who insists on the highest quality at the lowest price. 羊毛党是那些坚持以最低的价格买到最高品质商品的精明消费者。 Example: Being an econnoisseur I bought the ten dollar chilean wine instead of the fifty dollar french. 精明的我选...

  • 骨密度与质量共同影响骨折的风险性

    13-08-06 In a study carried out at the University of Eastern Finland, bone histomorphometry(组织形态测定术) and infrared spectroscopy revealed abnormal bone properties in children with vertebral fractures and in children after solid organ transplantation....

  • 细胞运动性与环境浓度

    13-07-30 What do wound healing, cancer metastasis, and bacteria colonies have in common? They all involve the collective displacement of biological cells. New research sheds some new light on the physical mechanisms provoking the displacement of a sheet of c...

  • 婚礼上的有趣词汇

    13-05-13 Arrangements for wedding :婚礼的安排 Banns,Bridesmaids,Best man :结婚预告,伴娘,伴郎 Church,Cake,Cars,Confetti :教堂,结婚蛋糕,汽车,五彩碎纸 Dress :礼服 Etiquette :结婚礼仪 Flowers,Family Planning :鲜花,计划生育 Guests :嘉宾 Honeymoon,Hai...

  • 欺骗消费者相关词汇

    13-03-19 假进口产品 fake imported products 欺骗消费者 play foul with buyers 加强市场监管 to improve market supervision 欺骗 fraud 盲目信仰 blind faith 高级无污染木材 high-class pollution-free wooden material 树脂材料 resin material 实木 solid wood 高密板 hig...

  • 维也纳蝉联全球最宜居城市

    12-12-08 Overall, Vienna retains the top spot as the city with the world's best quality of living, also keeping its first place ranking, said the survey released on Tuesday. Baghdad was last out 221 cities. 从总体来看,维也纳仍旧蝉联全球最宜居城市。这份榜单...

  • 塑料包装行业趋向生物化

    12-12-05 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a technique to significantly improve the quality of bio-based plastic packaging. The new generation of bio-based plastic packaging is not only eco-friendly but also has several superior qualitie...

  • 在线视频流质量影响观赏者的行为

    12-11-14 It may seem like common sense that the quality of online video streaming affects how willing viewers are to watch videos at a website. But until computer science researcher Ramesh Sitaraman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and collaborator...