• 剑桥大学研究用冷水治疗失智症的可能性

    20-11-17 剑桥大学的研究人员发现,在冷水中游泳可以保护大脑免受失智症等退行性疾病的伤害。研究人员在一些经常参加户外冬泳的人血液中发现了一种 冷休克(cold-shock) 蛋白,此发现属世界首次。 The team has already shown that the protein can slow the onset of dementia...

  • 豌豆变塑料

    20-10-11 Everyone in this lab is full of plastic. Well, their lab coats are anyway. 在这间实验室里,每个人从头到脚都是塑料。至少他们的实验服都是塑料做的。 A lot of our clothes are full of tiny little balls that have got fragrance inside - its what makes them...

  • 人造肉月饼9月上市

    19-08-14 Mooncakes filled with lab-grown meat will go on sale in China for the first time in September, reports China National Radio. 用人造肉做馅的月饼将于今年9月在国内首次上市。 The mooncakes will be stuffed with meat made from vegetable protein. Researche...

  • 最长的英文单词

    18-01-07 1. METHIONYLTHREONYLTHREONYGLUTAMINYLARGINYL ISOLEUCINE 肌联蛋白 Note the ellipses. All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chem...

  • 科学家有望研制出长肌肉并远离肥胖的药物

    17-05-07 A study found that suppressing production of the protein myostatin increased muscle mass. 一项研究发现,阻止肌肉生长抑制蛋白的生成可以提升肌肉质量。 Although the research was conducted in mice, the team hopes it will lead to human treatments. Lead r...

  • 人类头发中的蛋白质可以被唯一识别

    16-12-14 Unique protein markers in hair could be used alongside DNA profiling for human identification, according to a study published September 7, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Glendon Parker from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA, a...

  • 伦敦营养师研发“世界上最为健康的汉堡”

    16-08-13 With vegetarian and vegan diets rising in popularity, healthy alternatives to high fat treats arent hard to find. 随着素食者人群的扩大与素食食谱的风靡,人们想要找到可替代高脂肪食物的其他健康食品并不难。 But London-based nutritionist and chef, Libby...

  • 蟑螂肠内蛋白质晶体可能成为食物

    16-07-30 An international team of scientists has just sequenced a protein crystal located in the midgut of cockroaches. The reason? 最近,一个国际科学家团队确定了蟑螂中肠内的蛋白质晶体的结构序列。为什么要研究这个? Its more than four times as nutritious as c...

  • 丝蛋白可在高温下保存血样

    16-05-11 Researchers at Tufts University have stabilized blood samples for long periods of time without refrigeration and at high temperatures by encapsulating them in air-dried silk protein. The technique, which is published online this week in the Proceedi...

  • 中国科学家计算出寨卡病毒NS1蛋白质的结构

    16-04-20 Chinese scientists say they have worked out the structure of the Zika virus NS1 protein. 中国科学家表示,他们已经计算出寨卡病毒NS1蛋白质的结构。 The discovery could help researchers develop a vaccine for the virus which is transmitted by the Aedes a...