• 冷冻消融术与纳米级抗癌药能联合消灭癌症

    14-03-14 Combining nanodrug-based chemotherapy(化学疗法) and cryoablation(冷冻消融术) provides an effective strategy to eliminate cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) -- the root of cancer resistance and metastasis(转移,新陈代谢) , which will help to improve...

  • 果蝇生物钟基因发生变异

    14-01-27 The circadian clock is a molecular network that generates daily rhythms, and is present in both plants and animals. A University of Leicester research team led by Dr Eran Tauber has studied genetic variation in circadian clock genes in wild populati...

  • 大脑中一种蛋白质可能导致肥胖

    14-01-09 A new neuroscience study sheds light on the biological underpinnings of obesity. The in vivo study, published in the January 8 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience, reveals how a protein in the brain helps regulate food intake and body weight. The f...

  • 辣木种子可用于净化水质

    13-12-06 Seeds from Moringa oleifera(辣木) trees can be used to purify water. Uppsala University leads a research group which has discovered that seed material can give a more efficient purification process than conventional synthetic materials in use toda...

  • 丙肝病毒迄今最详细的图像

    13-11-29 Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have determined the most detailed picture yet of a crucial part of the hepatitis(肝炎) C virus, which the virus uses to infect liver cells. The new data reveal unexpected structural features of t...

  • 蛋白质的分支行为

    13-11-26 A method by Rice University researchers to model the way proteins fold -- and sometimes misfold -- has revealed branching behavior that may have implications for Alzheimer's and other aggregation(聚合) diseases. Results from the research will appe...

  • X射线激光能改变蛋白质结构

    13-11-25 A study shows for the first time that X-ray lasers can be used to generate a complete 3-D model of a protein without any prior knowledge of its structure. An international team of researchers working at the Department of Energy's (DOE) SLAC National...

  • 科学家得到迄今最详尽的艾滋病毒包膜蛋白图片

    13-11-01 Collaborating scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and Weill Cornell Medical College have determined the first atomic-level structure of the tripartite(三重的) HIV envelope protein -- long considered one of the most difficult target...

  • 细胞壁上有供蛋白质通过的通道

    13-10-24 Similar to passengers on an urban transit system, every protein made in the cell has a specific destination and function. Channels in cell membranes help direct these proteins to their appropriate target. Researchers at Boston University School of M...

  • 精神分裂症与脑电波异常有关

    13-10-20 Schizophrenia patients usually suffer from a breakdown of organized thought, often accompanied by delusions(妄想) or hallucinations(幻觉) . For the first time, MIT neuroscientists have observed the neural activity that appears to produce this di...