• 人类技术创新在东半球间歇出现

    14-09-29 The analysis of artifacts from a 325,000-year-old site in Armenia shows that human technological innovation occurred intermittently throughout the Old World, rather than spreading from a single point of origin, as previously thought. The study, publ...

  • 微粒可用于鉴别假冒商品

    14-04-15 Some 2 to 5 percent of all international trade involves counterfeit(假冒的) goods, according to a 2013 United Nations report. These illicit products -- which include electronics, automotive and aircraft parts, pharmaceuticals, and food -- can pose...

  • silver industry 银色产业

    14-03-06 Silver industry refers to the business sector that focuses on products and services for seniors, which ranges from housing and cosmetics to travel and entertainment. 银色产业(silver industry)指专注于做老年产品和服务的产业,业务涉及房产、护肤品、...

  • 中国传统银行向互联网投资发起反击

    14-03-02 China's brick-and-mortar banks are launching a counter-attack against the assault on their business from Alibaba and other Internet heavyweights, in a bid to staunch the outflow of bank deposits into high-yielding online investment products. 为了应...

  • 英国最悠闲工作:浴缸试用员

    14-03-02 近日某英国公司登了一则广告,并声称这是市场上最悠闲的工作浴缸试用员,该广告一经登出立刻得到了超过50名求职者的积极参与。这家浴缸公司面向社会招募浴室执行官一职,简称BEO以检验产品的性能。他们还许诺这将使求职者得到身心的放松,并会附上修剪指甲的服务。 Mor...

  • 折扣商品短期内对消费者有吸引力

    13-10-16 Consumers like to reap the benefits of discounts immediately (not later), according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Consumers enjoy discounted products much less if they have to wait for them. Price promotions are common in the m...

  • 英国网站招聘奢侈品体验员

    13-09-29 英国奢侈品购物网站VeryFirstTo近期发布招聘信息,面向全球寻找一位奢侈品体验员。该职位的工作职责为,试驾顶级豪车、入住五星级酒店、品尝各式美味佳肴、试戴名牌珠宝手表等等,然后将体验心得反馈给VeryFirstTo网站。 Fed up of your desk-bound 9-5 job? Wish you...

  • 将废旧塑料变为高科技材料

    13-09-26 University of Adelaide researchers have developed a process for turning waste plastic bags into a high-tech nanomaterial. The innovative nanotechnology uses non-biodegradable plastic grocery bags to make 'carbon nanotube membranes' -- highly sophist...

  • 男性护肤品销量5年间上升20%

    13-07-28 Many men may be making sacrifices amid the continuing economic gloom but looking good isn't one of them. 在经济持续低迷的情况下,许多男性会放弃一些消费项目,但是美容产品不在其列。 Sales of facial skincare products for men have risen by 20 per cent i...

  • Coopetition 合作竞争

    13-06-15 Coopetition (or co-opetition) is the result when two competing companies with overlapping products or technology find it beneficial to work together ultimately increasing sales for both companies. 合作竞争(coopetition或co-opetition)指两家经营同类...