• 女性护肤品1/6常用 1/5未开封

    13-05-10 英国一家美容护肤品零售网站对女性消费者的一项调查结果显示,女士们在浴室橱柜中收藏的美容护肤品价值平均约为1964英镑(约合人民币18625元),大概有65个瓶瓶罐罐,但这当中只有不到六分之一是她们经常使用的,另外还有五分之一的产品从未打开过。 Aside from your h...

  • 欺骗消费者相关词汇

    13-03-19 假进口产品 fake imported products 欺骗消费者 play foul with buyers 加强市场监管 to improve market supervision 欺骗 fraud 盲目信仰 blind faith 高级无污染木材 high-class pollution-free wooden material 树脂材料 resin material 实木 solid wood 高密板 hig...

  • 专家称转基因食品对健康无影响

    13-02-19 It has been almost 20 years since the first genetically modified foods showed up in produce aisles throughout the United States and the rest of the world, but controversy continues to surround the products and their regulation. Bruce Chassy, a profe...

  • 美国近岸战舰将装备新式喷水推进器

    13-02-06 The Navy's fifth Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), Milwaukee, will be the first to benefit from new high-power density waterjets(喷水式推进器) aimed at staving off rudder(船舵) and propeller damage experienced on high-speed ships. The product of an Of...

  • spirulina products 螺旋藻产品

    13-01-14 The producers of spirulina products are facing a credibility crisis after a report claimed excessive lead was found in the popular dietary supplement sold in China. 在被曝出国内热卖的保健食品铅含量超标后,螺旋藻生产商面临信誉危机。 文中的spirulina p...

  • electric-can-opener 电动开罐器

    12-12-18 Electric-can-opener question refers to the recognition that some older, low-tech products are superior to the newer, high-tech products that are supposed to replace them. 电动开罐器问题指一些老式的、技术含量低的产品反而优于那些意欲取代它们的新生代高...

  • 美国消费者高估本土产衣服的价值

    12-10-31 In today's globalized economy, a large percentage of apparel(服装,衣服) products are multinational products as raw materials are produced, transported and assembled in different countries. However, consumers have little information about where an...

  • gift-recycling 礼品回收

    12-10-25 Recipients of expensive, but unwanted holiday gifts are turning to gift-recycling businesses for help getting rid of the things they don't want. 收取昂贵的、但又不需要的节日礼品正在转变为帮助人们摆脱不需要东西的礼品回收产业。 文中的gift-recycling就...

  • 消费者何时会注重商品价值

    12-10-23 Consumers are often less satisfied when they buy or receive products that are easily counted because this makes them focus on value instead of experience, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Numbers make us feel more certai...

  • 选择合适的芒果来制作合适的产品

    12-10-18 With over a thousand different varieties of mangoes to choose from, selecting the right variety for mango products can be a daunting(使人气馁的) task. A new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IF...