• 日本七月份商品价格上涨

    11-08-28 Consumer prices in Japan rose unexpectedly in July due to higher energy costs. 受能源价格上涨的影响,日本七月份商品零售价意外增长。 Core consumer prices, which do not include the price of food, rose 0.1% from the same month last year, official figur...

  • H&M第二季度再度亏损

    11-06-22 Budget fashion chain HM has said profits fell again in the second quarter of the year as both cotton prices and wages rose. 受棉花价格以及工人工资同时上涨的影响,廉价时装连锁店HM第二季度利润再度下滑。 Even so, Hennes and Mauritz, the world's second-...

  • 印度提息以控制通货膨胀

    11-06-16 India's central bank has raised interest rates as it continues to fight rising prices in the country. 印度中央银行提高存款利率以降低通货膨胀率。 Food prices have been rising across Asia, threatening to derail growth in major economies The Reserve Ba...

  • 国际金银价格再创新高

    11-04-26 The prices of gold and silver have hit new record highs, driven by a weaker US dollar and continuing tensions in the Middle East and North Africa. 受美元贬值及中东、北非紧张局势的影响,国际金银价格再创新高。 Gold rose as high as $1,518.30 (918.70) a...

  • 物价上涨将阻碍亚洲经济发展

    11-04-26 Soaring food and fuel prices are threatening to derail growth in Asian economies, according to a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). 亚洲发展银行的一份报告显示,不断增长的食品价格和油价正在威胁亚洲经济的发展。 The bank has warned that if foo...

  • 欧元区利率四月可能上调

    11-03-04 The president of the European Central Bank has said that a rise in eurozone interest rates was possible at its next policy meeting in April. 欧洲中央银行董事长称,欧元区利率在四月召开政策会议期间可能会上涨。 Jean-Claude Trichet said the ECB was in a...

  • number-copying clan 抄号族

    11-02-16 在当今的白领圈中,有这样一个群体:她们时尚、漂亮、会打扮、善梳妆,尤其善于把有限的金钱投入到无限的美丽之中去。你时常能在商场的试衣间看到她们的身影,但很少看到她们到收银台付款,很纳闷吗?其实这已经不是什么秘密了,她们通常都是抽空去商场试好这一季要买...

  • 联合国:世界食品价格创新高

    11-01-06 Global food prices rose to a fresh high in December, according to the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). 联合国粮食与农业组织称,12月份全球食品价格达到新高。 Its Food Price Index went above the previous record of 2008 that saw prices spa...

  • 美国八月份零售价格上涨0.3%

    10-09-20 Consumer prices in the US rose by 0.3% in August, official figures have shown, reflecting a jump in petrol prices. 官方统计数据显示,美国八月份商品零售价格上涨0.3%,反映了油价的暴涨。 Fuel prices have pushed up sales and prices Energy prices helped...

  • 物价上涨 莫桑比克发生致命暴动

    10-09-02 Six people, including two children, are reported to have been killed during riots in Mozambique's capital, Maputo, over rising food and fuel prices. 受不断上涨的食物和燃油价格影响,莫桑比克首都马普托发生一起暴乱,包括两名儿童在内六人死亡。 Protester...