• 委内瑞拉70%地区供电中断

    13-09-04 A power cut has left 70% of Venezuela without electricity, including parts of the capital Caracas. 委内瑞拉70%的地区电力供应中断,包括首都加拉加斯部分地区。 The blackout disabled traffic lights in the city, causing traffic chaos. It also partially d...

  • 无电无线通讯系统研究有新突破

    13-08-14 We might be one step closer to an Internet-of-things reality. University of Washington engineers have created a new wireless communication system that allows devices to interact with each other without relying on batteries or wires for power. The ne...

  • 无线电力传输的关键因素

    13-08-01 What happens to a resonant(洪亮的,共振的) wireless power transfer system in the presence of complex electromagnetic environments, such as metal plates? A team of researchers explored the influences at play in this type of situation, and they desc...

  • 英国科学家利用尿液发电

    13-07-19 British scientists at the Bristol Robotics Laboratory have developed a way of using urine as a power source to generate electricity and claim to have created the world's first microbial fuel cells (MFC) powered mobile phone. 英国布里斯托尔机器人研究...

  • 开发地热可能引发地震

    13-07-13 An analysis of earthquakes in the area around the Salton Sea Geothermal Field in southern California has found a strong correlation between seismic activity and operations for production of geothermal(地热的) power, which involve pumping water int...

  • 多伦多发生强降雨 30万人断电

    13-07-09 A heavy rainstorm in Toronto has left some 300,000 people without power and flooded parts of Canada's largest city. 一场强暴风雨袭击多伦多,造成大约30万人断电并使部分地区爆发洪灾。 More than 90mm (3.5in) of water - more than a month's average - was...

  • The National Party Congress 党代会

    13-06-06 The National Party Congress The CPC's organ of supreme power, the National Party Congress, held once every five years, is convened by the Central Committee. Its functions and powers are to hear and examine the report of the Central Committee, to hea...

  • 积极对待每一天

    13-05-27 If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view. Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. By training your thoughts to concentr...

  • 巴拿马政府下令拉闸限电

    13-05-09 The Panamanian government has ordered schools to close and government offices to reduce their opening hours as the country suffers from a power shortage. 巴拿马正面临电力短缺的窘境,政府下令关闭学校以及政府办公室以节约能源。 It also declared a droug...

  • 河流是热电厂的“卧式冷却塔”

    13-04-23 Running two computer models in tandem(协力地) , scientists from the University of New Hampshire have detailed for the first time how thermoelectric(热电的) power plants interact with climate, hydrology(水文学) , and aquatic ecosystems througho...