• time poverty 无钱也无闲

    16-07-05 Time poverty is used to describe groups of people who, while having a high disposable income through well-paid employment, have relatively little leisure time, also known as money-rich, time-poor. Time poverty这个表达用来形容那些从事着高薪职业、收入...

  • children living in difficulty 困境儿童

    16-06-28 The central government on Thursday issued a guideline on taking better care of children who live in difficulties due to poverty, disabilities or lack of custody. 国务院周四(6月16日)发布了加强困境儿童的保障意见,这些儿童多由于贫困、残疾或者监护缺失...

  • 贫穷影响儿童智力

    14-12-13 Poverty affects the intelligence of children as young as two, a study has found - and its impact increases as the child ages. 英国一项研究发现,贫穷会影响年仅两岁儿童的智力,且影响力会随年龄增长而加强。 Deprived young children were found to have IQ...

  • 拉美国家贫困率有所下降

    14-08-27 More than 56 million people have been lifted out of poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean in recent years, according to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 联合国开发计划署称,最近几年拉丁美洲和加勒比海域有超过5600万人摆脱了贫困。...

  • 李克强总理政府工作报告语录

    14-03-07 1、像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。 We will declare war against pollution and fight it with the same determination we battled poverty. 2、深入贯彻依法治国基本方略,把政府工作全面纳入法治轨道,用法治思维和法治方式履行职责。 We will fully implement...

  • poverty-relief funds 扶贫基金

    13-12-11 The central government vowed on Tuesday to strictly monitor the use of poverty-relief funds to protect the interests of people in need. 中央政府周二宣誓要严格管制对扶贫基金的使用,以保护贫困人群的利益。 会议指出,那些embezzle(贪污)或misuse (滥用...

  • 尼日利亚贫困人口接近61%

    12-02-14 Poverty has risen in Nigeria, with almost 100 million people living on less than a $1 a day, despite economic growth, statistics have shown. 统计数据显示,尽管尼日利亚经济增长,贫困也同样在增长。大约1亿人每天生活费少于1美元。 The National Bureau of...

  • 巴西开启扶贫计划

    11-06-03 Brazil has launched a welfare scheme to lift millions out of extreme poverty by 2014, which President Dilma Rousseff calls her government's key priority. 巴西开启一项福利计划,在2014年前使数百万人脱离极短贫穷的状态,总统迪尔玛罗塞夫称这是她的政府的...

  • 印度比非洲“更贫穷”

    10-07-13 Eight Indian states account for more poor people than in the 26 poorest African countries combined, a new measure of global poverty has found. 通过一项对全球贫困问题的新评估发现,8个印度省份的贫民总数比26个非洲最贫穷国家的人数还要多。 The new measur...

  • No change in health gap from 1900 1900年以来,人类健康差异没

    09-09-11 The link between poverty and early death is as strong today as it was a century ago, a study shows. 调查显示,一个世纪以前早逝和贫穷之间的联系与现在一样强烈。 In 1900, a third of all deaths were in under fives Despite major changes in the causes of...